Denver,  Colorado,
United States (Denver, Colorado)


Deepesthroat Approx Distance From You: 3.4 miles
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   Ask Me | 58 | 6' 2'' (188 cm) | 180-189 Lbs (82-85 Kgs) | Average | Ask Me / Ask Me | Ask Me | Ask Me

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Talented mouth & throat looking to swallow, rim, have some fun with another cool guy.
I'm Into:
| Oral | Fucking | Group Sex | WS | B&D | Rimming | Leather | Role Playing | Sex in Public | Bears | Daddies | Raunch |
Take Loads Anal:  Yes 
Give Loads Anal:  No
Take Loads Oral:  Yes 
Give Loads Oral:  No
When:  Now, Anyplace
Where:  No Preference
Drug Use: Yes
Body Hair: Ask Me
Sexuality: Ask Me
Smoking: Ask Me
Your Status: Undetectable My Status:  Negative
Cock, Position: Ask Me/Ask Me | Bottom
This profile has been viewed 611 times since joining in October, 2015
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