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To: PigMaster
Subject: RE: My Facebook Conversation Started and Ended
Date: Sat 08 Aug 2015 10:37 AM

Simply here,

Thank you Travis.

PigMaster wrote:

>I removed the facebook posting from your profile,
>as it is not allowed to be on there. As for the
>rest of your email I am not sure what you are
>talking about. I will leave this here for a


Kramobone wrote:

>I am submitting a photo into my account that I do
>not wish to be approved upon my community
> It is to confirm that this Facebook conversation
>exists and it is this account that created it.  I
>would appreciate a reply back and to why  I
>not get a reply back is disheartening in general.
>That is sorry to say.  Maybe you have not fully
>read to complete understanding and will reopen
>that Facebook channel dialogue at a later date. 
>It would be nice to have had that reply before
>placed the facebook filter control into place. 
> } Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;
>rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0


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