February 11th 2016, Darrell Johnson, You are my building manager of Chesney Kleinjohn Aparments in Denver Colorado as of April 2015. In all of the time I have been here, I have only truly met a few here in the passing coming and going in the halls etc. Why is this the trend? You see, I am not the only one who has shown themselves to write about this, as the 2011 article appears onto this card. Why should we have to conform this way to this trend written in 2011? We don't and we should not!!! I protest at this point of time, for what has recently happened. This is a non-smoking oriented building and the only organized social structures of the residents here seems to be smokers out in the open air areas. I am a non-smoker, of tobacco anyway, and never truly find a need to associate to that social queue here. I say LOUD AND PROUD that this is not the right way for us to be in community here or anywhere for that matter.. When I first arrived here, you said that you would place a notice on the bulletin board of my new arrival to the building. I could see the sterile community share environment and did not want to make that I was something of anything that was not already present. . The only true active day to day or week interactions believe it or not seems to be what I will call here humorously a knick knack patty whack sharing items table in the laundry room. Maybe we don't understand this calling for community here because we are all with a knowing that we have an illness in common that perhaps could or would shorten ourselves from our true lifetime expectancy. That has not been true in our disease for many years now. But the foundation that our residence is under approaches the death of relationships as though we are readying ourselves to die. Since this is defined as a non-smoking structure and the only social structure is a smoking detail, I think the smokers have it right and the non-smoking sterilized version that is at our reach is wrong or at least needs something in place of it. But I am not the one to approach the change when the person who in charge from the very beginning is shut down from his feelings. Are you preparing yourself to die? A while ago, a friend of mine for several years into this connection wrote some words called "On Blindness". His name is Charles Galvin Jr. I have a picture of him in my childhood photo album from about 1987 before I moved to San Francisco, it was during my first real true out of home visit to a place where I would consider moving to. That is the most prevalent issue surrounding our placement here at Chesney Klienjohn that makes us not understand things to the perspective that if we were without illness, we make actually make a move to difference than where by 28 month time waiting lists approach, we just accept the conditions on to the living arrangements and don't care to make a change. Because when we want to have a voice, it is not a calm voice of agreements, but usually ends up being a disorientation of individualized chaos. Then we lose interest in that we think isolation and self-applied entertainments at our hand is better than trying to come to an consensus to an agreement for some kind of unanimous direction to even begin. Again, this is not true. But lets understand why one OVERRIDES the presence of the mind of distrusts and disorientation bringing into view the static instead of a calming peaceful meeting affair. This being under any kind of grouping, but it is of community to which I am applying.. Marlon Riggs, who died of HIV/AIDS in 1994 in Oakland California where actually I used to live says it best. They in fact have a building similar to ours in his honor called Marlon Riggs Apartments. I would attest that if I were to visit there, I would say it, the community, suffers these same kinds of community life breaking influences instead of community life unity. Why are we in sufferance from our history of not wanting to know ourselves around in this community then to perhaps find friendships abound and/or to the extent of really loving bonds of finding true loving to now what can be marriage of same sex partners. We are blinded people from the real world of understanding that if we did not have this disease in common, we would not be so fearful to interact in our community We would be in a free style mode to seek out things things for ourselves because it is really part of the hierarchy of basic human needs to be that humans first most are social creatures,. Because we had this disease never really changed the facts that we are not comparably the same holding these chart of needs the same as every other human being on the planet. Have we really lost our minds? ' I would suppose that in this building or most of us th all of the long term permanent HIV/AIDS housing supportive projects apartments around the country, many of us have lived with our disease for over 10 years now. I would state this as an average but I have no way to calculate But what is more important is the feelings of housing is that we are really stuck where we are and have really no choice to where we ended up if we are lucky enough to have been placed into decent housing supportive to our disease. But as time passes, we are stuck like I said if and/or when we would want to relocate to some other place, if by freewill of choice, we have lost it. We all know this condition is placed upon us. I myself was diagnosed in September of 1999 therefore I am 16 years, 5 months into my experiences as person living with HIV/AIDS in the United States of America. I also know that for the first permanent placement of my HOPWA housing in Oakland California back in Oakland Started with contract signage on June 11th 2003 and ended with an eviction of enormous disproportional injustice on July 16th 2006. That is the date to which the internet domain @Gruwup.net was registered to my parent's home in San Bernardino. The problems to which my eviction case played out onto the noosphere is that I stood up and stood out to be a lonely voice and was actually speaking for those both current and former residence who lost their housing from previous eviction cases or pressures to move away from the building when it was really the building management at fault. I can't speak for averages that are incalculable, but for almost all the cases so far up to the day I stood up and was slammed down like a bug with no life deserving dignity to be in that community. I was a human without a tongue for a period of 9 days in what was defined and practiced as a spiritual Novena in honor of Marlon Riggs' Tongues United. Google This [ "human without a tongue" novena ] and you will find this embedded into the search match results. Quote: "I feel like trash, junk and dirt." HUMAN WITHOUT A TONGUE in LOCAL HIV COMMUNITY OAKLAND CA USA : HOMOSEXUALSAVAGERY 2005 and for the pieces to what was written is FACTUAL INTRODUCTION FROM THE DEFENDANT'S SIDE and I have not re-read it for accuracy, but I know it is still the same --- THE TRUTH. it is contained in this TOPIC thread: Local HIV Community in Oakland CA USA › "Thou Shalt not kill me" : Do you feel like shit? I SURE HOPE SO! Did you know this story was out here on the web? I bet you did. After I moved in, you may have received communications from persons telling you don't engage with Mr. Driskill with his story. Just carry on like you have been doing. They consider to themselves to not worry, he will eventually fail once again to establish a voice in a common sense way for communities united for wellness will stand instead of communities divided will fall. We all know that I have presented myself that I have engaged in a LONG WALK OF BEAUTY BEHIND TONGUES TIED BY TARGETED HURTFUL SHAME and is documented at: http://alongwalkofbeauty.us These things considered OUT OF THE BOX ACTIONS of a PERSON knowing the RIGHT and WRONG in all of these matters. Knowing the TRUTH that OPPRESSION FORCES now has RETURNED to attempt to SILENCE a VOICE in this COMMUNITY that ABSOLUTELY REFUSES to SHUT THE FUCK UP! Even though a community does not listen to its members the way it ought to. For even back in 2003, 2004, 2005, we had Thanksgiving Dinner community united at Allen Temple Manor for all of our residence. We did not even have that kind of event here in Denver for our building. Did I miss something? I got no invite. The indifference to that fact alone, makes this place the sterile of community sharing that I walked into seeing and disbelieving. Something again seems abstract and wrong to common sense realities of community. No one here will speak up for what it to be heard. For they don't want to rock the boat and lose their housing. For doing so, again, we shutter ourselves off from the world of relationships, and just accept the conditions that are present. It is not right. I know it is not. But there was something that I saw in you Darrell to the offering of what would be very out of character and out of trends [ per the 2011 article ], that you offered your HELP in assistance for my recovery of my CAR from TOW CHARGES and such. I want to give you a very special THANK YOU KINDLY notation for the record. If what can be placed into this for you to see I am being most admirable to the presentations of happiness and wellness for us here in this building, I hope that my request of earlier today through twitter is granted. I really don't know what else to do, but to not call onto BLINDNESS of our SOUL when I know I don't suffer such BLINDNESS AFTER GLOWS from being a long term person living with HIV/AIDS separated from COMMUNITY ideals of UNITY forward in FUN FACTORS not DIE FACTORS of just barely passing living, breathing, eating, and sleeping. I take this statement to my grave, should anything happen to me very serious. Please take note in the texts that are presented in: https://plus.google.com/+JamesDriskill/posts/cooemkYBwzY EXCERPT HERE: -------------------------------------------- I am now in COLORADO, for reasons that are very mind blind unnecessary for them to have done these acts against me and not have to at least offer me back, community spoken from all, WE ARE SORRY MR JAMES DRISKILLL WE WERE WRONG TO DO THIS AND NOT TAKE YOUR VOICE AND TONE INTO VIEW OF CIRCUMSTANCE IT WAS ACTUALLY CAUSED BY __________________ [JUSTIFIED REASONS] AND WE ALL PROMISE NOT TO ENDANGER OR ACT DOWN ON ANY ONE ELSE IN COMMUNITY UNDER THESE SAME TERMS. WE REALIZE THE NEEDED CHANGE. WE HAVE CHANGED. and HERE IS THE PROOF - policies and procedures being properly managed. Or something in that regard. IF not, I am going to continue my walk from Big Sir sometime next year after the winter, finances permitting. If no one is following me, From Big Sir down to Coast, it very very nature made not man born services available. I may or not make it.... but I know for by best ability, And if I don't make it and no body finds me until I am dead. This last address on the subject said I WAS SPEAKING AND YOU WERE NOT LISTENING.