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Darrell, I wrote an email today which has you CC: the address. It is not personal, but after these couple of months, I wanted to confirm your expressing that I was a good tenant yesterday in view of my history. This has been true for both my HOPWA housing. For most over a year in each case. Both somehow, they turn on me. It they turn on me, not the other way around. I have had Words To Live By within my learning youth of my character building. I think I have shown my character to the ultimately attempt here at Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments so that it can never be said of me, that I am the trouble maker or tenant in the situation. I think for a gentleman's approach, you said it best when we had our walk-thru. But I wanted to re-enforce my position, and I am absolutely prepared to go FULL BALLS [ as they phrase goes ] OUT. If I get involved in another community against James Driskill conflict, everyone [ I mean everyone ] will be listed to -- by individual name, organization, website, and the story will be a PLAIN UNVARNISHED TAIL. I am told this is ok to do, from words written 1800 and I am told this is ok to do, from words written from Mr. Marlon Riggs, and I am told this is ok that these words remain posted at @Colorado.Edu , and I am told this is ok, by all of those lessons of teachings I have been taught what is right and wrong in any manner, and I am told this is ok but the forces of all GOOD GODS ALL MIGHTY. If you do not believe a position I hold and disagree with me, let's work that out. But by attacking me at the very core of our holding housing here, you are killing me to silence me. It is not right to do this to another human being. I know it sounds extreme, but this is exactly what they have done to me. Until I see that you have not the command of higher authorities powers on top of us both here to control you to a position that you create such a disturbance of actions against me, such as has been the case, for your being manipulated into doing som---ing wrong over what is absolutely morally right. When or if you find yourself in this dilemma, come to me and UNITE with me and let's shed some light onto those higher powers to shift them @Gruwup and @realuphuman together. That is what is ultimately the answer. I don't care whom it is, in what situation it is, or where on earth it is, this can be done to the benefit of all parties involved without war attack and loss. I am here telling you this as one final stand of my intelligence over these matters --- so I can move into living a life here without burden of worry or concern about how som---ing is going to be viewed and backlashes burned back at me. For it is not my burning of these things, for the lighting of such destructive forces on any level for any reason of war is unacceptable. The burning of explosives in a bullet shell to expel a projectile at high speed into a force to eliminate someone or som---ing is unacceptable. The burning of ties to relationships is unacceptable. . All burning is unacceptable. For the tools I use are TODAY REALITY. [ @RealupHuman : @gruwup : @FuckedUpHuman ] --- This is the "Information Theory" model I am using. This is the only reality I know must be enabled and empowered for all to utilize in their lives. Until that time, I am the holder of these keys and take great care and concern over it's use and responsibility. For some, they don't think before they strike out. Again, I have had a manner of community harassment at the front door step of this apartment building. I have had my cell phone stolen from my apartment here recently last month. Again, I feel I am under attack from powers that are absolutely confused by my intents and motivations future forward. I intend no harm to one who does not harm me, and even then, I intend no harm on them. Just an understanding. But I have been greatly harmed. If I am harmed, in a very serious way, this community harmed me to silence. This I say is the fact. For I am a gentle soul with a gentle mind with a gentle heart and one quite true MOST UNIQUE CYBER IDENTITY TO EVER EXIST ON OUR PLANET. In such, I will make some angry or upset with me or even take it to the next level and harass me. I will need a commitment of where I should go, should I need to take action beyond just simple mischievousness as I told you happened the other night. If it gets more serious, I will let you know. Thank you.

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