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Treat your mind and your experiences and choices over those experiences as though they are y are RECORDABLE [ Because they are ]


James Driskill inthemindway@gmail.com

2:01 PM (13 hours ago)
to Jennifer, cinamon, Joy

My STUDENT#0001 of the Awesome Kramobone Playroom has just left the building. [1:15pm]   He now resides in COLORADO SPRINGS.  His name is Key and is noteworthy all the way back onto my Facebook. 

The start of this conversation.

James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
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He still feels pushed and rushed to meet up with his Mother at Kings Sooper.  And I told him that he was not going to RUSH out of here without a 10 minute closing window.  He was still in the RUSH mode.  I told him tha ift he has a problem with the situation between Mother and being tardy at that point, I would intervene into that discussion and introduce myself onto his family that he has been in the space a school for all of this time.  And I as a teacher [ or at least expert of inter-function ] of trying to delver certain principles of conscientiousness of thought onto her son, I would go meet her.  I also have  car, I will drive you.  So RUSH RUSH RUSH out of here does not exist.  He listen to the last portion of his time based at need not want or at want but not need closing, it is a requirement that he gives me a 10 minute closing window.  He is most respectful gentlemen and man and a soul to honor my space in the true regards it is created.

He is a WITNESS to the DISRESPECT of this space.

In the process of having FAITH in ANYTHING, this space is created under Kramobone and with Gye Name and God's Eyes sees all secrets highly present and presented in this space.

Treat all of your experiences as thought they can be RECORDED.

Treat all your experiences under this TRUE SCIENCE -- and your choices of better vs less better [ Please Pick the Best Answer ] automatically pretty much resolves itself to the school test default.

Please Pick the Best Answer --- even when ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT,

From Neuron to Whole Brain [Video] - Scientific American

Scientific American
Jun 11, 2012 - The simulations begun by Henry Markram and team on the Blue Brain Project in 2005 constitute the basis for the much more ambitious Human ...
These scenarios involve discussions of the type of robot to be constructed, ways to capture the details of a particular human mind, and the ways to upload a mind ...


That was my final less and advice onto my STUDENT#0001 on his visit here the past day and 1/2 [ of two evenings ] .

Treat as though your experiences and choices within all of your inter-personal relationships can be recorded [ because ultimately the science here tells us -- they can - 40 years from today is project is goal point active onto the noosphere of truth your brain can and may be captured into a vessel as token total representation of yourself and and be interactively spoken two with new creative consciousness from that point forward and will remember and listen and respond as though we are sitting talking here today face to face.  This is 40 years project from today.

NO -- this is not FUCKED UP HUMAN shit I am puitting into your mind.

Anyone not listening to this TRUTH is FUCKED UP HUMAN to this space of deliverance of truth, love and peace onto our universe here today.  I am stick and tired of the disrespect after disrespect when I have, must give each and every caller onto my space an opportunity to learn these truths.  They are self-evident by this point -- who is speaking truth and who is speaking non-sense.  Thus in a conflict, who carry forward integrity and honor and who carry forward hidden agendas of discretion, dishonesty, and dishonor in everything that happens here.


AGAIN --- this is FROM JULY that my direct influential link to building manager Darrelll Johnson DELETED onto FACEBOOK.  Therefore, he out of this mix of the morality bestowed downward.  This my dear is a CONFLICT ON INTERESTS either intentionally placed on this space against me -- or a matter of work based bullshit that must be addressed for correction.


Darrell, I wrote an email today which has you CC: the address. It is not personal, but after these couple of months, I wanted to confirm your expressing that I was a good tenant yesterday in view of my history. This has been true for both my HOPWA housing. For most over a year in each case. Both somehow, they turn on me. It they turn on me, not the other way around. I have had Words To Live By within my learning youth of my character building. I think I have shown my character to the ultimately attempt here at Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments so that it can never be said of me, that I am the trouble maker or tenant in the situation. I think for a gentleman's approach, you said it best when we had our walk-thru. But I wanted to re-enforce my position, and I am absolutely prepared to go FULL BALLS [ as they phrase goes ] OUT. If I get involved in another community against James Driskill conflict, everyone [ I mean everyone ] will be listed to @fuckeduphuman.net -- by individual name, organization, website, and the story will be a PLAIN UNVARNISHED TAIL. I am told this is ok to do, from words written 1800 and I am told this is ok to do, from words written from Mr. Marlon Riggs, and I am told this is ok that these words remain posted at @Colorado.Edu , and I am told this is ok, by all of those lessons of teachings I have been taught what is right and wrong in any manner, and I am told this is ok but the forces of all GOOD GODS ALL MIGHTY. If you do not believe a position I hold and disagree with me, let's work that out. But by attacking me at the very core of our holding housing here, you are killing me to silence me. It is not right to do this to another human being. I know it sounds extreme, but this is exactly what they have done to me. Until I see that you have not the command of higher authorities powers on top of us both here to control you to a position that you create such a disturbance of actions against me, such as has been the case, for your being manipulated into doing something wrong over what is absolutely morally right. When or if you find yourself in this dilemma, come to me and UNITE with me and let's shed some light onto those higher powers to shift them @Gruwup and @realuphuman together. That is what is ultimately the answer. I don't care whom it is, in what situation it is, or where on earth it is, this can be done to the benefit of all parties involved without war attack and loss. I am here telling you this as one final stand of my intelligence over these matters --- so I can move into living a life here without burden of worry or concern about how something is going to be viewed and backlashes burned back at me. For it is not my burning of these things, for the lighting of such destructive forces on any level for any reason of war is unacceptable. The burning of explosives in a bullet shell to expel a projectile at high speed into a force to eliminate someone or something is unacceptable. The burning of ties to relationships is unacceptable. . All burning is unacceptable. For the tools I use are TODAY REALITY. [ @RealupHuman : @gruwup : @FuckedUpHuman ] --- This is the "Information Theory" model I am using. This is the only reality I know must be enabled and empowered for all to utilize in their lives. Until that time, I am the holder of these keys and take great care and concern over it's use and responsibility. For some, they don't think before they strike out. Again, I have had a manner of community harassment at the front door step of this apartment building. I have had my cell phone stolen from my apartment here recently last month. Again, I feel I am under attack from powers that are absolutely confused by my intents and motivations future forward. I intend no harm to one who does not harm me, and even then, I intend no harm on them. Just an understanding. But I have been greatly harmed. If I am harmed, in a very serious way, this community harmed me to silence. This I say is the fact. For I am a gentle soul with a gentle mind with a gentle heart and one quite true MOST UNIQUE CYBER IDENTITY TO EVER EXIST ON OUR PLANET. In such, I will make some angry or upset with me or even take it to the next level and harass me. I will need a commitment of where I should go, should I need to take action beyond just simple mischievousness as I told you happened the other night. If it gets more serious, I will let you know. Thank you.

Words To Live By Is there any body monitoring this face book page? Please COMMENT with Words To Live By in mind. Thank you.


My car STOLEN SERIOUS and now Mawuna Haris subjecting himself to DISRESPECTFUL UNTRUE CLAIMS that he has CLOTHES here ---- which he does not.


 Bull FUCKED UP HUMAN shit .

I need to have this creation here -- [ placed into reference ] I TOLD YOU SO and NO BODY IS LISTENING OR VIEWING ME SERIOUS!

If I am killed or offed of the world of creation -- this is the FINAL DECREE of MERRIT of my writing to you -- you are ignoring yourself of the truth and justice of all calamamidy here -- so as to become a basis of tenancy collapse and eviction instead of tenancy reevaluation -- [ maybe ] and move me somewhere more appropriate than to EJECT ME OUT OF THIS SPACE.

That is TRUE -- the morally of this was the EXACT SAME MORALITY in eviction case


My standing on TRUTH and merit a back burn against me -- which is UNACCEPTABLE for you not to take the TRUTH HERE -- and move into the TRUTH and use the TRUTH as a SUPPORTIVE CARE of CONCERN for your tenant.  Darrell Johnson out of the loop -- there is a conflict of interest and a time when in fact this conflict will result in head-to-head emotional imbalance.  Don't say I did not say this as well.

Thank you.   Intervene now for the morality of your presence onto this space in proxy -- IT WILL BE RECORDABLE in 40 YEARS and your choices you make then -- would not be the CHOICES that you have so far made against me [ COLLECTIVELY 10 YEARS BACK PASSING EVICTION WG06266106 and the FILE DATE of April 20th 2006 [ last month 10 years ago ] and this month the ISSUANCE of OH KIND SIR on May 20th 2006, this observance date is coming up -- are you going to TALK TRUTH ??



I need a METHODOLOGY and REMEDY and A PLACE OF REFERRAL for each and every one of these cases -- for I am at my nths degree witts end to try to explain yourself of silence into this cause when it is actually placed RECORDED now onto our duty.

Where and how should I proceed?


James Driskill inthemindway@gmail.com

4:13 PM (11 hours ago)
to lonnellcallum, Awesome-KramoB., Key
As A matter of record, we had this discussion -- that if I place a position of discussion point in an accusatory fashion against you, tt is a methodology to attack a position point of unknown cause and effect from all points of consideration reference. 

It might just be an HYPOTHETICAL point of agreement at the point of issuance into the discussion, but it is there to react a position of honesty to clarify each and every point of truth --- in a fact finding mission --- as is the true goal for all of us in this space --- beyond hidden agendas --  

HAVING HIDDEN AGENDAS here against the posted guidelines on the wall, and also replicated in the pretense of spoken text voice lessons that come into frame reference either at my hand or in so it is true, RANDOMIZED playlist -- they are a part of the PRESENTATION MATERIALS HERE --- and cannot be REFUTED.  In court, this is considered an absolute foundation and when you realize the stipulation that would occur.... it is first most evidence of item pulled into the discussion for the JURY to consider.

So after that point forward -- the July world hear testimony to the motives and actions and statements and activities in this space --- under this space foundation -- would conclude what?

You can have back the EXTRA SHOWERING OF GIFTS taunted to me of Methamphetamine - you purchased.

 For that is the not required or the foundation of principle experiences made here --- I want you to take your GIFT and SHOVE it LITERALLY up your ass till you OVERDOSE if you think I am not willing to commit the truth into writing anywhere it is said to be activity considered into this condition of MORAL TRUTH existence.

Good Day Sir.  Your gift sir was given in lieu that you think I am among you in "addictive thought processes which I am not


[SND] Pychology Today Norm..> 29-Apr-2016 01:52  1.1M 

.  I actually have everyone in consideration to what should be act to act day to day proper straight thinking structure over and beyond what is at this point in time in global noosphere put persuasive [ not dissuasive ] in content media -- a matter to resolve to the allowance forward and discontinuance of criminal use intent. This would in fact benefit us all in world resolves to peace over conflict more appropriately constructed by right vs. wrong mind bending thinking.,

Good day people -- DO NOT COME HERE WITH A HIDDEN AGENDA AGAIN - COME HERE OPEN YOUR MIND AND HEART TO THE REALITIES OF THE WORLD IN SCIENCE and EFFECTIVELY GROW INTO [ gruwp ] into that SCIENCE instead of being fearful, bothered, or bewildered by that technology advancement and in essence by one of causation of crazy in the following statement: In so committing these words into the universe, these are the words of my point of view truth and said point of view stated intentions to which I hold direct honor to the guidelines I am trying to emphasis here and they do not create a CONFLICT of MINDSET design work. 

Watch, I will if you force it -- go to court with no document at hand and fully with a break of relaxed meditation thinking with the knowledge that is actually embedded in my mind -- rehearse for the jury without any any document what so ever this conclusion --- and they will see the errors in keeping the status quo principles as it regards itself as LAW effectively applied ---- they will in their own right have  dimelimia of argument placed at their hand -- they will concede my argument -- I would more than likely guarantee.  But I can in fact do this , if necessary.  If you force my hand, I am no less a man of a message worth sufferance than what great minds of truism of thought that was dismissed and oppressed such as:

Copernicus, Galileo, and the Church: Science in a Religious World ...

by NP Leveillee - ‎2011 - ‎Cited by 1 - ‎Related articles
Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned. Copernicus faced no persecution when he was alive ...
Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo challenge Church ideas about earth's place in the heavens. ... He was treated with deference and not jailed. Galileo appeared .

In truth, I am so far been SPARED these injustices of SUFFERANCE but do you think I am not willing to commit that I may in fact have to go that course, to get this truth to existence into the cosmic train of record --- I will if you force my hand and mind at that.... why waste that time?  It's useless to the tide against TIME CHANGES -- there is no more time to waste in the debate....



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, May 10, 2016 at 2:01 PM
Subject: Treat your mind and your experiences and choices over those experiences as though they are y are RECORDABLE [ Because they are ]
To: Jennifer Mattock <jmattock@pillar.biz>, cinamon@rockymountaincares.org
Cc: Joy Badwound <jbadwound@gmail.com>

My STUDENT#0001 of the Awesome Kramobone Playroom has just left the building. [1:15pm]   He now resides in COLORADO SPRINGS.  His name is Key and is noteworthy all the way back onto my Facebook. 

The start of this conversation.

James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
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He still feels pushed and rushed to meet up with his Mother at Kings Sooper.  And I told him that he was not going to RUSH out of here without a 10 minute closing window.  He was still in the RUSH mode.  I told him tha ift he has a problem with the situation between Mother and being tardy at that point, I would intervene into that discussion and introduce myself onto his family that he has been in the space a school for all of this time.  And I as a teacher [ or at least expert of inter-function ] of trying to delver certain principles of conscientiousness of thought onto her son, I would go meet her.  I also have  car, I will drive you.  So RUSH RUSH RUSH out of here does not exist.  He listen to the last portion of his time based at need not want or at want but not need closing, it is a requirement that he gives me a 10 minute closing window.  He is most respectful gentlemen and man and a soul to honor my space in the true regards it is created.

He is a WITNESS to the DISRESPECT of this space.

In the process of having FAITH in ANYTHING, this space is created under Kramobone and with Gye Name and God's Eyes sees all secrets highly present and presented in this space.

Treat all of your experiences as thought they can be RECORDED.

Treat all your experiences under this TRUE SCIENCE -- and your choices of better vs less better [ Please Pick the Best Answer ] automatically pretty much resolves itself to the school test default.

Please Pick the Best Answer --- even when ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT,

From Neuron to Whole Brain [Video] - Scientific American

Scientific American
Jun 11, 2012 - The simulations begun by Henry Markram and team on the Blue Brain Project in 2005 constitute the basis for the much more ambitious Human ...
These scenarios involve discussions of the type of robot to be constructed, ways to capture the details of a particular human mind, and the ways to upload a mind ...


That was my final less and advice onto my STUDENT#0001 on his visit here the past day and 1/2 [ of two evenings ] .

Treat as though your experiences and choices within all of your inter-personal relationships can be recorded [ because ultimately the science here tells us -- they can - 40 years from today is project is goal point active onto the noosphere of truth your brain can and may be captured into a vessel as token total representation of yourself and and be interactively spoken two with new creative consciousness from that point forward and will remember and listen and respond as though we are sitting talking here today face to face.  This is 40 years project from today.

NO -- this is not FUCKED UP HUMAN shit I am puitting into your mind.

Anyone not listening to this TRUTH is FUCKED UP HUMAN to this space of deliverance of truth, love and peace onto our universe here today.  I am stick and tired of the disrespect after disrespect when I have, must give each and every caller onto my space an opportunity to learn these truths.  They are self-evident by this point -- who is speaking truth and who is speaking non-sense.  Thus in a conflict, who carry forward integrity and honor and who carry forward hidden agendas of discretion, dishonesty, and dishonor in everything that happens here.


AGAIN --- this is FROM JULY that my direct influential link to building manager Darrelll Johnson DELETED onto FACEBOOK.  Therefore, he out of this mix of the morality bestowed downward.  This my dear is a CONFLICT ON INTERESTS either intentionally placed on this space against me -- or a matter of work based bullshit that must be addressed for correction.


Darrell, I wrote an email today which has you CC: the address. It is not personal, but after these couple of months, I wanted to confirm your expressing that I was a good tenant yesterday in view of my history. This has been true for both my HOPWA housing. For most over a year in each case. Both somehow, they turn on me. It they turn on me, not the other way around. I have had Words To Live By within my learning youth of my character building. I think I have shown my character to the ultimately attempt here at Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments so that it can never be said of me, that I am the trouble maker or tenant in the situation. I think for a gentleman's approach, you said it best when we had our walk-thru. But I wanted to re-enforce my position, and I am absolutely prepared to go FULL BALLS [ as they phrase goes ] OUT. If I get involved in another community against James Driskill conflict, everyone [ I mean everyone ] will be listed to @fuckeduphuman.net -- by individual name, organization, website, and the story will be a PLAIN UNVARNISHED TAIL. I am told this is ok to do, from words written 1800 and I am told this is ok to do, from words written from Mr. Marlon Riggs, and I am told this is ok that these words remain posted at @Colorado.Edu , and I am told this is ok, by all of those lessons of teachings I have been taught what is right and wrong in any manner, and I am told this is ok but the forces of all GOOD GODS ALL MIGHTY. If you do not believe a position I hold and disagree with me, let's work that out. But by attacking me at the very core of our holding housing here, you are killing me to silence me. It is not right to do this to another human being. I know it sounds extreme, but this is exactly what they have done to me. Until I see that you have not the command of higher authorities powers on top of us both here to control you to a position that you create such a disturbance of actions against me, such as has been the case, for your being manipulated into doing something wrong over what is absolutely morally right. When or if you find yourself in this dilemma, come to me and UNITE with me and let's shed some light onto those higher powers to shift them @Gruwup and @realuphuman together. That is what is ultimately the answer. I don't care whom it is, in what situation it is, or where on earth it is, this can be done to the benefit of all parties involved without war attack and loss. I am here telling you this as one final stand of my intelligence over these matters --- so I can move into living a life here without burden of worry or concern about how something is going to be viewed and backlashes burned back at me. For it is not my burning of these things, for the lighting of such destructive forces on any level for any reason of war is unacceptable. The burning of explosives in a bullet shell to expel a projectile at high speed into a force to eliminate someone or something is unacceptable. The burning of ties to relationships is unacceptable. . All burning is unacceptable. For the tools I use are TODAY REALITY. [ @RealupHuman : @gruwup : @FuckedUpHuman ] --- This is the "Information Theory" model I am using. This is the only reality I know must be enabled and empowered for all to utilize in their lives. Until that time, I am the holder of these keys and take great care and concern over it's use and responsibility. For some, they don't think before they strike out. Again, I have had a manner of community harassment at the front door step of this apartment building. I have had my cell phone stolen from my apartment here recently last month. Again, I feel I am under attack from powers that are absolutely confused by my intents and motivations future forward. I intend no harm to one who does not harm me, and even then, I intend no harm on them. Just an understanding. But I have been greatly harmed. If I am harmed, in a very serious way, this community harmed me to silence. This I say is the fact. For I am a gentle soul with a gentle mind with a gentle heart and one quite true MOST UNIQUE CYBER IDENTITY TO EVER EXIST ON OUR PLANET. In such, I will make some angry or upset with me or even take it to the next level and harass me. I will need a commitment of where I should go, should I need to take action beyond just simple mischievousness as I told you happened the other night. If it gets more serious, I will let you know. Thank you.

Words To Live By Is there any body monitoring this face book page? Please COMMENT with Words To Live By in mind. Thank you.


My car STOLEN SERIOUS and now Mawuna Haris subjecting himself to DISRESPECTFUL UNTRUE CLAIMS that he has CLOTHES here ---- which he does not.


 Bull FUCKED UP HUMAN shit .

I need to have this creation here -- [ placed into reference ] I TOLD YOU SO and NO BODY IS LISTENING OR VIEWING ME SERIOUS!

If I am killed or offed of the world of creation -- this is the FINAL DECREE of MERRIT of my writing to you -- you are ignoring yourself of the truth and justice of all calamamidy here -- so as to become a basis of tenancy collapse and eviction instead of tenancy reevaluation -- [ maybe ] and move me somewhere more appropriate than to EJECT ME OUT OF THIS SPACE.

That is TRUE -- the morally of this was the EXACT SAME MORALITY in eviction case


My standing on TRUTH and merit a back burn against me -- which is UNACCEPTABLE for you not to take the TRUTH HERE -- and move into the TRUTH and use the TRUTH as a SUPPORTIVE CARE of CONCERN for your tenant.  Darrell Johnson out of the loop -- there is a conflict of interest and a time when in fact this conflict will result in head-to-head emotional imbalance.  Don't say I did not say this as well.

Thank you.   Intervene now for the morality of your presence onto this space in proxy -- IT WILL BE RECORDABLE in 40 YEARS and your choices you make then -- would not be the CHOICES that you have so far made against me [ COLLECTIVELY 10 YEARS BACK PASSING EVICTION WG06266106 and the FILE DATE of April 20th 2006 [ last month 10 years ago ] and this month the ISSUANCE of OH KIND SIR on May 20th 2006, this observance date is coming up -- are you going to TALK TRUTH ??



I need a METHODOLOGY and REMEDY and A PLACE OF REFERRAL for each and every one of these cases -- for I am at my nths degree witts end to try to explain yourself of silence into this cause when it is actually placed RECORDED now onto our duty.

Where and how should I proceed?


James Driskill inthemindway@gmail.com

5:48 PM (10 hours ago)
to lonnellcallum, Awesome-KramoB., Key

5/10/16 4:26 PM 49 minutes ago
Me: I'm only going to say this once to this text because it will become a part of the record. The call that we just had that you called was recorded. As a matter of recording that call you establish that you left your jacket. I do not see your Jacket out. My jacket is the top of the of the pile on the coat hook rack and I don't see your jacket. So I have not even left my units here by my unit here. I'm not left my unit here so you are going to have to come over here right this moment in time to correct this establish request at this time. I am at this point willing to secure the cost of a taxi ride to pick you up where you are and bring you here this instant. I do belive I have enough cash at my hand to do this. and if you do not correct the remedy right this moment you are not telling me the truth. for the following I do I remember something about the iPad and other closet but I'm confused I also do not have an iPad in the closet now. If for whatever reason that was request was made was a while back -- is lost in my confusion State at this point of where we put it together confirmed . If it was if you can see if you say it was last night exactly last night over the course of this visit, you would be lying. I would suggest that you petgorm an ipad location finder on the device. Now in the course of events when Key was here I secured the trust bond between Key and myself to actually have a God Witnessed Oath of Honor in place between us that is unbreakable to this point. I know he did not take your jacket I know. Already in pretext we discussed between Key and I was your truth and motiives and loyaaltes -- from time moment you did nog return respectfully keeping only an hour time window before the respectful lost of connection occues by oblivion not timely stating your new intentions ; rule forwith on the wall. you actually worried as greatly which is somewhat noted when you did not reply to my text. we were worried considering the event 2:55 PM
Me: Now for every causation of accusational Point reference I said in joint company between the three of us it is your duty to come forward with the truth and to tell the truth to this discussion but your rejection and retraction of connection to the space and not coming forwarded to that truth you are showing yourself as dishonest and hidden agenda. that was a part of our discussion Triad. TRUTH 2:59 PM
Me: Alter with the fact that we pinpointed the time reference to which your Oblivion occurred it would be one hour after the expiration of your glimpse tracking on you at the bookstore FACT: that record is in on the web to call into question in court just think I will call THAT informational record into court to them further discussion of witnesses Key that in fact that this was a high puposed discussion point made In real time dissecting and analyzing all of the Oblivion so far that has occurred dissecting and analyzing all of the Oblivion so far that has occurred by your not returning here respectfulky. This is in fact part of this space work and Key is so claimed to be my student#1. you f***** up J in the Deliverance of this conspiracy. If it had been anybody else I would not have the tracking to commit to the record into court for defense of my actions. therefore I would not be able to have this matter of position opposed to this discussion you can claim your innocence apart from all of the other actors of conspiracy . I don't believe you. The number to this conclusion at that point is 1000 fold onto this circumstances. the only way to remedy this is for you to get your ass over here immediately Rectify this now to comply to this for accepting or rejection of your truth and your acceptance of mine. Furthermore. you could have the remaining of what you gave me of methamphetamine back to you, the purchase for which you demanded and requested over and over several times... i acting as a caretaker of a delivery to the person in lieu of direct assignment of sales your request was in transference and I do not like this deception of conspiracy and it get all cut to the choices made here that what is posted here holds the fact if you are against this spaces goals and posted guidelines in and hidden agenda that entire equation Cascades to invalid pretext because it is broken by your refusal to accept this condition as a matter.. 3:21 PM
Me: Continued ongoing hidden agenda what was your request and responsibility to leave by this following quote. Do not argue one more cycle of waste time stated intentions. It may be silent to you; ll but it is not a peaceful way of being with others Even if you were not requested to leave directly, you should have left by your own merits because you do not belong here on your own merits and you made the choice to not belong here on your own merit dishonorably ( and in my safe here this day in conspiracy) and disrespectfully and a hidden agenda therefore you do not return here until you can be honest and free-flowing with no hidden agendas. I returned one exception to this rule this demand you come over here immediately today and claim your property immediately. You are so far and what is called reprimand for this cause of action I know is true. You are among the conspirators horse and at this point I don't care to reprimand you quickly but help you not go forward to the address of what I said search search for all of these people and bring them here for a discussion and we can make this happen please fully upon the universe about things there is there is absolutely no question the time changes and the facts are the facts of my next cause of an email. END OF THIS FUCKED UP HUMAN STATUS QUO WAY. 3:31 PM
Me: Call recording, the way here is to understand the dimension in which you are ultimately forced into this decision of Truth before all else in 5 to 10 years and there is no other way that is what this is about 3:38 PM
Me: I was in the the middle of final edit check.spell of email. It has been sent. Please rea d in full before you call back has highly important considerations for us to continue our conversation. Do not if you do not read it it will derail any understanding of what is here as my writing 4:15 PM
Me: Accept the fact that I have sent it and I have not received my own self copy of it apply to awesomekramiboneplayroom so accept the fact we have mail delay here and be patient if you need me to be on that you need to get your ass over here now now now now now and rectify the situation 4:24 PM
Jay : bbrt [ Blkboy44 ]: I, have not recieved any email 4:25 PM
Jay : bbrt [ Blkboy44 ]: Wow! Ok.. Umm.. Again, I will be there 4:26 PM
Me: MMS Received 4:27 PM
Me: MMS Received 4:28 PM
Me: I'm not leaving my apartment as a matter of record to be captured on building secuiry cameras that I did not leave my apartment .. An absolute truth neither to my car or outside until you arrive and convince me your truth of what you say. 4:31 PM
Me: I would have to have some kind of conspiracy to pass to some objects to through the hallway to somebody here either in the building or come visiting i. For that is the way my car was stolen. You think I'm going to employ method. Or are you just mistaken about your jacket and your iPod at this position.. Don't bother coming if you will not defend that they're your jacket is here when you come out to the public and it's not it's not here. If you do not not find here here I have not released your stated intention that it is comma and you don't find it here you are fuckeduphuman marked. I don't care what you consider an out meritable situation this is outrageous situation as a whole and requires outrageous solutions in the Deliverance of trust and love and peace - bulshit walks truth talks and honor with no hidden agenda commits them to be meritable visitors forever 4:37 PM
Me: I still don't have my self sent email record l so don't bother trying to make an argument or anything if you can't bother reading the email. It will be read when you get here if it is still stuck on the network. Orr I'll have it read to you by the time you get here by spoken voice text so take my hand at t that point position no excuses and don't bother trying to circumvent that directive point it won't work 4:41 PM
Me: Part 1 of 5 4:52 PM
Me: Part 2 of 5 4:53 PM
Me: Part 2 of 5 4:53 PM
Me: Part 3 of 5 4:53 PM
Me: Part 1 of 5 4:53 PM

[ Even though this is mislabeled -- this is the entire equation of arguement ] --- You have no jacket here nor do you have an ipod.

I refute your truth about an Ipod -- and if so --- GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT THIS MOMENT IN TIME TO COLLECT IT WHERE YOU AND I PUT IT -- if that was during your stay here this visit --- Key did not take it.

FAILURE TO COME OVER HERE URGENTLY AND IMMEDIATELY --- I will pay for your taxi -- as it is said here. shows me you are telling me no truth of a jacket and no truth of an ipod.


He can find the Ipod of yourself himself on his own network ---






What is the SERIAL NUMBER of your IPOD device -- I will also push truth through this channel of truth FOREVER MORE VALIDATED or never so write out non-truith. 

IT IS NOT TRUE -- That I can find a JACKET or an IPOD as you say -- I don[t know what model you are speaking of .  If this request to place it back was in fact during this past visit --- IT NEVER HAPPENED -- and if it was something other than this VISIT -- the recording is making reference to a CONFUSION at the point I made it -- I am still conflused upon that you made that request this past visir or if it was ealier visit.  IF it was an earlier visit, it has succumb to the choas that is here.


       Answer progressively offered to MARK ZUCKERBERG for confirmation
       reply... or at least secondary monitoring of truth item here used as a
      weight here against me morally that I would hold on other's proptery
      against their will of return and therefore against the law.

I have SUBJUGATE every single clause to action in this detail to fight
accusation of inacuate  story line subtracting against the space and
mission work of

   Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom

because it is ACTUALLY what it is ENTAILED to be TITLED TO.

There is nothing more important to me to ESTABLISH my agenda is
IN TACT -- and anything other than minor allowances of fucked up
human bullshit --- minor --- will pass to the unrecorded and undocumented
history of this space.


Realse yourself by coming here -- finding your property now where you left it here --- or never ever COME BACK -- to CLAIM IT -- FOR IT IS NOT HERE.

You left here --- with a device that was active on the web in Glymse.

I will pull that out of the history of webpages viewed here.

Inline image 1

Inline image 2


Inline image 3

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 4:13 PM, James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:
As A matter of record, we had this discussion -- that if I place a position of discussion point in an accusatory fashion against you, tt is a methodology to attack a position point of unknown cause and effect from all points of consideration reference. 

It might just be an HYPOTHETICAL point of agreement at the point of issuance into the discussion, but it is there to react a position of honesty to clarify each and every point of truth --- in a fact finding mission --- as is the true goal for all of us in this space --- beyond hidden agendas --  

HAVING HIDDEN AGENDAS here against the posted guidelines on the wall, and also replicated in the pretense of spoken text voice lessons that come into frame reference either at my hand or in so it is true, RANDOMIZED playlist -- they are a part of the PRESENTATION MATERIALS HERE --- and cannot be REFUTED.  In court, this is considered an absolute foundation and when you realize the stipulation that would occur.... it is first most evidence of item pulled into the discussion for the JURY to consider.

So after that point forward -- the July world hear testimony to the motives and actions and statements and activities in this space --- under this space foundation -- would conclude what?

You can have back the EXTRA SHOWERING OF GIFTS taunted to me of Methamphetamine - you purchased.

 For that is the not required or the foundation of principle experiences made here --- I want you to take your GIFT and SHOVE it LITERALLY up your ass till you OVERDOSE if you think I am not willing to commit the truth into writing anywhere it is said to be activity considered into this condition of MORAL TRUTH existence.

Good Day Sir.  Your gift sir was given in lieu that you think I am among you in "addictive thought processes which I am not


[SND] Pychology Today Norm..> 29-Apr-2016 01:52  1.1M 

.  I actually have everyone in consideration to what should be act to act day to day proper straight thinking structure over and beyond what is at this point in time in global noosphere put persuasive [ not dissuasive ] in content media -- a matter to resolve to the allowance forward and discontinuance of criminal use intent. This would in fact benefit us all in world resolves to peace over conflict more appropriately constructed by right vs. wrong mind bending thinking.,

Good day people -- DO NOT COME HERE WITH A HIDDEN AGENDA AGAIN - COME HERE OPEN YOUR MIND AND HEART TO THE REALITIES OF THE WORLD IN SCIENCE and EFFECTIVELY GROW INTO [ gruwp ] into that SCIENCE instead of being fearful, bothered, or bewildered by that technology advancement and in essence by one of causation of crazy in the following statement: In so committing these words into the universe, these are the words of my point of view truth and said point of view stated intentions to which I hold direct honor to the guidelines I am trying to emphasis here and they do not create a CONFLICT of MINDSET design work. 

Watch, I will if you force it -- go to court with no document at hand and fully with a break of relaxed meditation thinking with the knowledge that is actually embedded in my mind -- rehearse for the jury without any any document what so ever this conclusion --- and they will see the errors in keeping the status quo principles as it regards itself as LAW effectively applied ---- they will in their own right have  dimelimia of argument placed at their hand -- they will concede my argument -- I would more than likely guarantee.  But I can in fact do this , if necessary.  If you force my hand, I am no less a man of a message worth sufferance than what great minds of truism of thought that was dismissed and oppressed such as:

Copernicus, Galileo, and the Church: Science in a Religious World ...

by NP Leveillee - ‎2011 - ‎Cited by 1 - ‎Related articles
Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned. Copernicus faced no persecution when he was alive ...
Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo challenge Church ideas about earth's place in the heavens. ... He was treated with deference and not jailed. Galileo appeared .

In truth, I am so far been SPARED these injustices of SUFFERANCE but do you think I am not willing to commit that I may in fact have to go that course, to get this truth to existence into the cosmic train of record --- I will if you force my hand and mind at that.... why waste that time?  It's useless to the tide against TIME CHANGES -- there is no more time to waste in the debate....


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, May 10, 2016 at 2:01 PM
Subject: Treat your mind and your experiences and choices over those experiences as though they are y are RECORDABLE [ Because they are ]
To: Jennifer Mattock <jmattock@pillar.biz>, cinamon@rockymountaincares.org
Cc: Joy Badwound <jbadwound@gmail.com>

My STUDENT#0001 of the Awesome Kramobone Playroom has just left the building. [1:15pm]   He now resides in COLORADO SPRINGS.  His name is Key and is noteworthy all the way back onto my Facebook. 

The start of this conversation.

James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
LikeShow more reactions

He still feels pushed and rushed to meet up with his Mother at Kings Sooper.  And I told him that he was not going to RUSH out of here without a 10 minute closing window.  He was still in the RUSH mode.  I told him tha ift he has a problem with the situation between Mother and being tardy at that point, I would intervene into that discussion and introduce myself onto his family that he has been in the space a school for all of this time.  And I as a teacher [ or at least expert of inter-function ] of trying to delver certain principles of conscientiousness of thought onto her son, I would go meet her.  I also have  car, I will drive you.  So RUSH RUSH RUSH out of here does not exist.  He listen to the last portion of his time based at need not want or at want but not need closing, it is a requirement that he gives me a 10 minute closing window.  He is most respectful gentlemen and man and a soul to honor my space in the true regards it is created.

He is a WITNESS to the DISRESPECT of this space.

In the process of having FAITH in ANYTHING, this space is created under Kramobone and with Gye Name and God's Eyes sees all secrets highly present and presented in this space.

Treat all of your experiences as thought they can be RECORDED.

Treat all your experiences under this TRUE SCIENCE -- and your choices of better vs less better [ Please Pick the Best Answer ] automatically pretty much resolves itself to the school test default.

Please Pick the Best Answer --- even when ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT,

From Neuron to Whole Brain [Video] - Scientific American

Scientific American
Jun 11, 2012 - The simulations begun by Henry Markram and team on the Blue Brain Project in 2005 constitute the basis for the much more ambitious Human ...
These scenarios involve discussions of the type of robot to be constructed, ways to capture the details of a particular human mind, and the ways to upload a mind ...


That was my final less and advice onto my STUDENT#0001 on his visit here the past day and 1/2 [ of two evenings ] .

Treat as though your experiences and choices within all of your inter-personal relationships can be recorded [ because ultimately the science here tells us -- they can - 40 years from today is project is goal point active onto the noosphere of truth your brain can and may be captured into a vessel as token total representation of yourself and and be interactively spoken two with new creative consciousness from that point forward and will remember and listen and respond as though we are sitting talking here today face to face.  This is 40 years project from today.

NO -- this is not FUCKED UP HUMAN shit I am puitting into your mind.

Anyone not listening to this TRUTH is FUCKED UP HUMAN to this space of deliverance of truth, love and peace onto our universe here today.  I am stick and tired of the disrespect after disrespect when I have, must give each and every caller onto my space an opportunity to learn these truths.  They are self-evident by this point -- who is speaking truth and who is speaking non-sense.  Thus in a conflict, who carry forward integrity and honor and who carry forward hidden agendas of discretion, dishonesty, and dishonor in everything that happens here.


AGAIN --- this is FROM JULY that my direct influential link to building manager Darrelll Johnson DELETED onto FACEBOOK.  Therefore, he out of this mix of the morality bestowed downward.  This my dear is a CONFLICT ON INTERESTS either intentionally placed on this space against me -- or a matter of work based bullshit that must be addressed for correction.


Darrell, I wrote an email today which has you CC: the address. It is not personal, but after these couple of months, I wanted to confirm your expressing that I was a good tenant yesterday in view of my history. This has been true for both my HOPWA housing. For most over a year in each case. Both somehow, they turn on me. It they turn on me, not the other way around. I have had Words To Live By within my learning youth of my character building. I think I have shown my character to the ultimately attempt here at Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments so that it can never be said of me, that I am the trouble maker or tenant in the situation. I think for a gentleman's approach, you said it best when we had our walk-thru. But I wanted to re-enforce my position, and I am absolutely prepared to go FULL BALLS [ as they phrase goes ] OUT. If I get involved in another community against James Driskill conflict, everyone [ I mean everyone ] will be listed to @fuckeduphuman.net -- by individual name, organization, website, and the story will be a PLAIN UNVARNISHED TAIL. I am told this is ok to do, from words written 1800 and I am told this is ok to do, from words written from Mr. Marlon Riggs, and I am told this is ok that these words remain posted at @Colorado.Edu , and I am told this is ok, by all of those lessons of teachings I have been taught what is right and wrong in any manner, and I am told this is ok but the forces of all GOOD GODS ALL MIGHTY. If you do not believe a position I hold and disagree with me, let's work that out. But by attacking me at the very core of our holding housing here, you are killing me to silence me. It is not right to do this to another human being. I know it sounds extreme, but this is exactly what they have done to me. Until I see that you have not the command of higher authorities powers on top of us both here to control you to a position that you create such a disturbance of actions against me, such as has been the case, for your being manipulated into doing something wrong over what is absolutely morally right. When or if you find yourself in this dilemma, come to me and UNITE with me and let's shed some light onto those higher powers to shift them @Gruwup and @realuphuman together. That is what is ultimately the answer. I don't care whom it is, in what situation it is, or where on earth it is, this can be done to the benefit of all parties involved without war attack and loss. I am here telling you this as one final stand of my intelligence over these matters --- so I can move into living a life here without burden of worry or concern about how something is going to be viewed and backlashes burned back at me. For it is not my burning of these things, for the lighting of such destructive forces on any level for any reason of war is unacceptable. The burning of explosives in a bullet shell to expel a projectile at high speed into a force to eliminate someone or something is unacceptable. The burning of ties to relationships is unacceptable. . All burning is unacceptable. For the tools I use are TODAY REALITY. [ @RealupHuman : @gruwup : @FuckedUpHuman ] --- This is the "Information Theory" model I am using. This is the only reality I know must be enabled and empowered for all to utilize in their lives. Until that time, I am the holder of these keys and take great care and concern over it's use and responsibility. For some, they don't think before they strike out. Again, I have had a manner of community harassment at the front door step of this apartment building. I have had my cell phone stolen from my apartment here recently last month. Again, I feel I am under attack from powers that are absolutely confused by my intents and motivations future forward. I intend no harm to one who does not harm me, and even then, I intend no harm on them. Just an understanding. But I have been greatly harmed. If I am harmed, in a very serious way, this community harmed me to silence. This I say is the fact. For I am a gentle soul with a gentle mind with a gentle heart and one quite true MOST UNIQUE CYBER IDENTITY TO EVER EXIST ON OUR PLANET. In such, I will make some angry or upset with me or even take it to the next level and harass me. I will need a commitment of where I should go, should I need to take action beyond just simple mischievousness as I told you happened the other night. If it gets more serious, I will let you know. Thank you.

Words To Live By Is there any body monitoring this face book page? Please COMMENT with Words To Live By in mind. Thank you.


My car STOLEN SERIOUS and now Mawuna Haris subjecting himself to DISRESPECTFUL UNTRUE CLAIMS that he has CLOTHES here ---- which he does not.


 Bull FUCKED UP HUMAN shit .

I need to have this creation here -- [ placed into reference ] I TOLD YOU SO and NO BODY IS LISTENING OR VIEWING ME SERIOUS!

If I am killed or offed of the world of creation -- this is the FINAL DECREE of MERRIT of my writing to you -- you are ignoring yourself of the truth and justice of all calamamidy here -- so as to become a basis of tenancy collapse and eviction instead of tenancy reevaluation -- [ maybe ] and move me somewhere more appropriate than to EJECT ME OUT OF THIS SPACE.

That is TRUE -- the morally of this was the EXACT SAME MORALITY in eviction case


My standing on TRUTH and merit a back burn against me -- which is UNACCEPTABLE for you not to take the TRUTH HERE -- and move into the TRUTH and use the TRUTH as a SUPPORTIVE CARE of CONCERN for your tenant.  Darrell Johnson out of the loop -- there is a conflict of interest and a time when in fact this conflict will result in head-to-head emotional imbalance.  Don't say I did not say this as well.

Thank you.   Intervene now for the morality of your presence onto this space in proxy -- IT WILL BE RECORDABLE in 40 YEARS and your choices you make then -- would not be the CHOICES that you have so far made against me [ COLLECTIVELY 10 YEARS BACK PASSING EVICTION WG06266106 and the FILE DATE of April 20th 2006 [ last month 10 years ago ] and this month the ISSUANCE of OH KIND SIR on May 20th 2006, this observance date is coming up -- are you going to TALK TRUTH ??



I need a METHODOLOGY and REMEDY and A PLACE OF REFERRAL for each and every one of these cases -- for I am at my nths degree witts end to try to explain yourself of silence into this cause when it is actually placed RECORDED now onto our duty.

Where and how should I proceed?


James Driskill inthemindway@gmail.com

6:18 PM (9 hours ago)
to lonnellcallum, Awesome-KramoB.
You  are here by your RESPECTFUL INTENTION TO CREATE A HALLUCINATION OF SOME FACTION  ---- Your jacket was hidden purposefully covered over [  JACKETS GO WHERE THEY GO ON THE COAT RACK --- As far as respectful location - -otherwse it is not my option to go seach search and HIDDEN jacket not open to the vision thing

YOU LEFT YOUR JACKET --- DISRESPECTFUL OUT OF PLACE HERE -- for if and /or when I had a visiting guest not so best of their control of morals, they could have and would have perhaps STOLE  IT at the time they left hte space -- yOU ARE WRONG  -- this is how the properly was acccuatory my responsbility to hold in your care when you never told me where and what hold.

NOW ---- you ask for your Ipod to be placed out to the closet.  Never did that request be made -- so never is that request a part of my mindfulness over this space -- -I actually answered it confused in the state -- your planned motives to create two both intentional confusions in a row of your property as you leave --- and then NEVER HOLD THE SPACE HONORABLY to the presence of time --- all of this time -- I am not responsible to hold propriety here when I don'[t know where it is -=- what it is --- or who is is --- later long after you depart and decide your at now time to come back.

YOU LEFT -- An intention of 45 minutes and NEVER CONTACTED the space for many hours apart form that 45 minute window --- We were inf act WORRIED about you --- and in fact I asked you to -- it would have been at the time you KNEW YOUR INTENTIONS WERE TO NOT COME BACK TO RELY THAT FACT TO THE SPACE -- YOUR DISRESPECT AGAIN ON THIS SPACE ---

Whether you want to SHOWER ME WITH GIFTS ---- those gifts are not allowed in lieu of the lessons offered here and the confusion and chaos YOU CREATED not I.

I just in fact DETAIL IT ALL THE WAY OUT TO DETAIL THE RECORD -- as you asked me to -- for which YOU TOO ARE INCLUDED to that record --- that pattern of being INCLUDED beyond your knowing I am including you in the CHAOS OF ORDER OF PRESENCE here --- NOT QUALITY -- Don't bother ARGUING IT OUT -- I have already detailed it -- you just listen to it --

GO AWAY after you leave -- you leave here respectfully CHALLENGED of your CONTROL of MIND AND THUS your HIGH and your ABILITY to SUBJECT ME TO A INJECTED HIGH.  Good day.  This is a quality of trust building exercise -- you fail

ARGUE ALL TIME YOU WANT --- GOOD DAY AND GOOD BYE --- TAKE WHAT YOU CAME WITH TO A BALANCE OF NO OWE OVER LOAD TO MY FAVOR --- WHATEVER YOU WANT AMEND THE CHAOS AND YOUR ERROR OF JUDGEMENT IS YOUR FAITH that you are here by 7 and late by 7:15 and if you do not tell me your arrival by 7:15 will be late -- you will be ignored at the door. No compromises to your stated intentions.  I don't trust you -- if  I had KEY [ in cc: ] \ here -- I would show you -- he agrees.  two here with the same conclusion because he TREATS the LESSON LEARNING HERE HONORABLY and the commitment to bring peace keeping and building powers forward valid for thought and then action to it's reasoning.

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 5:48 PM, James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

5/10/16 4:26 PM 49 minutes ago
Me: I'm only going to say this once to this text because it will become a part of the record. The call that we just had that you called was recorded. As a matter of recording that call you establish that you left your jacket. I do not see your Jacket out. My jacket is the top of the of the pile on the coat hook rack and I don't see your jacket. So I have not even left my units here by my unit here. I'm not left my unit here so you are going to have to come over here right this moment in time to correct this establish request at this time. I am at this point willing to secure the cost of a taxi ride to pick you up where you are and bring you here this instant. I do belive I have enough cash at my hand to do this. and if you do not correct the remedy right this moment you are not telling me the truth. for the following I do I remember something about the iPad and other closet but I'm confused I also do not have an iPad in the closet now. If for whatever reason that was request was made was a while back -- is lost in my confusion State at this point of where we put it together confirmed . If it was if you can see if you say it was last night exactly last night over the course of this visit, you would be lying. I would suggest that you petgorm an ipad location finder on the device. Now in the course of events when Key was here I secured the trust bond between Key and myself to actually have a God Witnessed Oath of Honor in place between us that is unbreakable to this point. I know he did not take your jacket I know. Already in pretext we discussed between Key and I was your truth and motiives and loyaaltes -- from time moment you did nog return respectfully keeping only an hour time window before the respectful lost of connection occues by oblivion not timely stating your new intentions ; rule forwith on the wall. you actually worried as greatly which is somewhat noted when you did not reply to my text. we were worried considering the event 2:55 PM
Me: Now for every causation of accusational Point reference I said in joint company between the three of us it is your duty to come forward with the truth and to tell the truth to this discussion but your rejection and retraction of connection to the space and not coming forwarded to that truth you are showing yourself as dishonest and hidden agenda. that was a part of our discussion Triad. TRUTH 2:59 PM
Me: Alter with the fact that we pinpointed the time reference to which your Oblivion occurred it would be one hour after the expiration of your glimpse tracking on you at the bookstore FACT: that record is in on the web to call into question in court just think I will call THAT informational record into court to them further discussion of witnesses Key that in fact that this was a high puposed discussion point made In real time dissecting and analyzing all of the Oblivion so far that has occurred dissecting and analyzing all of the Oblivion so far that has occurred by your not returning here respectfulky. This is in fact part of this space work and Key is so claimed to be my student#1. you f***** up J in the Deliverance of this conspiracy. If it had been anybody else I would not have the tracking to commit to the record into court for defense of my actions. therefore I would not be able to have this matter of position opposed to this discussion you can claim your innocence apart from all of the other actors of conspiracy . I don't believe you. The number to this conclusion at that point is 1000 fold onto this circumstances. the only way to remedy this is for you to get your ass over here immediately Rectify this now to comply to this for accepting or rejection of your truth and your acceptance of mine. Furthermore. you could have the remaining of what you gave me of methamphetamine back to you, the purchase for which you demanded and requested over and over several times... i acting as a caretaker of a delivery to the person in lieu of direct assignment of sales your request was in transference and I do not like this deception of conspiracy and it get all cut to the choices made here that what is posted here holds the fact if you are against this spaces goals and posted guidelines in and hidden agenda that entire equation Cascades to invalid pretext because it is broken by your refusal to accept this condition as a matter.. 3:21 PM
Me: Continued ongoing hidden agenda what was your request and responsibility to leave by this following quote. Do not argue one more cycle of waste time stated intentions. It may be silent to you; ll but it is not a peaceful way of being with others Even if you were not requested to leave directly, you should have left by your own merits because you do not belong here on your own merits and you made the choice to not belong here on your own merit dishonorably ( and in my safe here this day in conspiracy) and disrespectfully and a hidden agenda therefore you do not return here until you can be honest and free-flowing with no hidden agendas. I returned one exception to this rule this demand you come over here immediately today and claim your property immediately. You are so far and what is called reprimand for this cause of action I know is true. You are among the conspirators horse and at this point I don't care to reprimand you quickly but help you not go forward to the address of what I said search search for all of these people and bring them here for a discussion and we can make this happen please fully upon the universe about things there is there is absolutely no question the time changes and the facts are the facts of my next cause of an email. END OF THIS FUCKED UP HUMAN STATUS QUO WAY. 3:31 PM
Me: Call recording, the way here is to understand the dimension in which you are ultimately forced into this decision of Truth before all else in 5 to 10 years and there is no other way that is what this is about 3:38 PM
Me: I was in the the middle of final edit check.spell of email. It has been sent. Please rea d in full before you call back has highly important considerations for us to continue our conversation. Do not if you do not read it it will derail any understanding of what is here as my writing 4:15 PM
Me: Accept the fact that I have sent it and I have not received my own self copy of it apply to awesomekramiboneplayroom so accept the fact we have mail delay here and be patient if you need me to be on that you need to get your ass over here now now now now now and rectify the situation 4:24 PM
Jay : bbrt [ Blkboy44 ]: I, have not recieved any email 4:25 PM
Jay : bbrt [ Blkboy44 ]: Wow! Ok.. Umm.. Again, I will be there 4:26 PM
Me: MMS Received 4:27 PM
Me: MMS Received 4:28 PM
Me: I'm not leaving my apartment as a matter of record to be captured on building secuiry cameras that I did not leave my apartment .. An absolute truth neither to my car or outside until you arrive and convince me your truth of what you say. 4:31 PM
Me: I would have to have some kind of conspiracy to pass to some objects to through the hallway to somebody here either in the building or come visiting i. For that is the way my car was stolen. You think I'm going to employ method. Or are you just mistaken about your jacket and your iPod at this position.. Don't bother coming if you will not defend that they're your jacket is here when you come out to the public and it's not it's not here. If you do not not find here here I have not released your stated intention that it is comma and you don't find it here you are fuckeduphuman marked. I don't care what you consider an out meritable situation this is outrageous situation as a whole and requires outrageous solutions in the Deliverance of trust and love and peace - bulshit walks truth talks and honor with no hidden agenda commits them to be meritable visitors forever 4:37 PM
Me: I still don't have my self sent email record l so don't bother trying to make an argument or anything if you can't bother reading the email. It will be read when you get here if it is still stuck on the network. Orr I'll have it read to you by the time you get here by spoken voice text so take my hand at t that point position no excuses and don't bother trying to circumvent that directive point it won't work 4:41 PM
Me: Part 1 of 5 4:52 PM
Me: Part 2 of 5 4:53 PM
Me: Part 2 of 5 4:53 PM
Me: Part 3 of 5 4:53 PM
Me: Part 1 of 5 4:53 PM

[ Even though this is mislabeled -- this is the entire equation of arguement ] --- You have no jacket here nor do you have an ipod.

I refute your truth about an Ipod -- and if so --- GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT THIS MOMENT IN TIME TO COLLECT IT WHERE YOU AND I PUT IT -- if that was during your stay here this visit --- Key did not take it.

FAILURE TO COME OVER HERE URGENTLY AND IMMEDIATELY --- I will pay for your taxi -- as it is said here. shows me you are telling me no truth of a jacket and no truth of an ipod.


He can find the Ipod of yourself himself on his own network ---






What is the SERIAL NUMBER of your IPOD device -- I will also push truth through this channel of truth FOREVER MORE VALIDATED or never so write out non-truith. 

IT IS NOT TRUE -- That I can find a JACKET or an IPOD as you say -- I don[t know what model you are speaking of .  If this request to place it back was in fact during this past visit --- IT NEVER HAPPENED -- and if it was something other than this VISIT -- the recording is making reference to a CONFUSION at the point I made it -- I am still conflused upon that you made that request this past visir or if it was ealier visit.  IF it was an earlier visit, it has succumb to the choas that is here.


       Answer progressively offered to MARK ZUCKERBERG for confirmation
       reply... or at least secondary monitoring of truth item here used as a
      weight here against me morally that I would hold on other's proptery
      against their will of return and therefore against the law.

I have SUBJUGATE every single clause to action in this detail to fight
accusation of inacuate  story line subtracting against the space and
mission work of

   Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom

because it is ACTUALLY what it is ENTAILED to be TITLED TO.

There is nothing more important to me to ESTABLISH my agenda is
IN TACT -- and anything other than minor allowances of fucked up
human bullshit --- minor --- will pass to the unrecorded and undocumented
history of this space.


Realse yourself by coming here -- finding your property now where you left it here --- or never ever COME BACK -- to CLAIM IT -- FOR IT IS NOT HERE.

You left here --- with a device that was active on the web in Glymse.

I will pull that out of the history of webpages viewed here.

Inline image 1

Inline image 2


Inline image 3

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 4:13 PM, James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:
As A matter of record, we had this discussion -- that if I place a position of discussion point in an accusatory fashion against you, tt is a methodology to attack a position point of unknown cause and effect from all points of consideration reference. 

It might just be an HYPOTHETICAL point of agreement at the point of issuance into the discussion, but it is there to react a position of honesty to clarify each and every point of truth --- in a fact finding mission --- as is the true goal for all of us in this space --- beyond hidden agendas --  

HAVING HIDDEN AGENDAS here against the posted guidelines on the wall, and also replicated in the pretense of spoken text voice lessons that come into frame reference either at my hand or in so it is true, RANDOMIZED playlist -- they are a part of the PRESENTATION MATERIALS HERE --- and cannot be REFUTED.  In court, this is considered an absolute foundation and when you realize the stipulation that would occur.... it is first most evidence of item pulled into the discussion for the JURY to consider.

So after that point forward -- the July world hear testimony to the motives and actions and statements and activities in this space --- under this space foundation -- would conclude what?

You can have back the EXTRA SHOWERING OF GIFTS taunted to me of Methamphetamine - you purchased.

 For that is the not required or the foundation of principle experiences made here --- I want you to take your GIFT and SHOVE it LITERALLY up your ass till you OVERDOSE if you think I am not willing to commit the truth into writing anywhere it is said to be activity considered into this condition of MORAL TRUTH existence.

Good Day Sir.  Your gift sir was given in lieu that you think I am among you in "addictive thought processes which I am not


[SND] Pychology Today Norm..> 29-Apr-2016 01:52  1.1M 

.  I actually have everyone in consideration to what should be act to act day to day proper straight thinking structure over and beyond what is at this point in time in global noosphere put persuasive [ not dissuasive ] in content media -- a matter to resolve to the allowance forward and discontinuance of criminal use intent. This would in fact benefit us all in world resolves to peace over conflict more appropriately constructed by right vs. wrong mind bending thinking.,

Good day people -- DO NOT COME HERE WITH A HIDDEN AGENDA AGAIN - COME HERE OPEN YOUR MIND AND HEART TO THE REALITIES OF THE WORLD IN SCIENCE and EFFECTIVELY GROW INTO [ gruwp ] into that SCIENCE instead of being fearful, bothered, or bewildered by that technology advancement and in essence by one of causation of crazy in the following statement: In so committing these words into the universe, these are the words of my point of view truth and said point of view stated intentions to which I hold direct honor to the guidelines I am trying to emphasis here and they do not create a CONFLICT of MINDSET design work. 

Watch, I will if you force it -- go to court with no document at hand and fully with a break of relaxed meditation thinking with the knowledge that is actually embedded in my mind -- rehearse for the jury without any any document what so ever this conclusion --- and they will see the errors in keeping the status quo principles as it regards itself as LAW effectively applied ---- they will in their own right have  dimelimia of argument placed at their hand -- they will concede my argument -- I would more than likely guarantee.  But I can in fact do this , if necessary.  If you force my hand, I am no less a man of a message worth sufferance than what great minds of truism of thought that was dismissed and oppressed such as:

Copernicus, Galileo, and the Church: Science in a Religious World ...

by NP Leveillee - ‎2011 - ‎Cited by 1 - ‎Related articles
Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned. Copernicus faced no persecution when he was alive ...
Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo challenge Church ideas about earth's place in the heavens. ... He was treated with deference and not jailed. Galileo appeared .

In truth, I am so far been SPARED these injustices of SUFFERANCE but do you think I am not willing to commit that I may in fact have to go that course, to get this truth to existence into the cosmic train of record --- I will if you force my hand and mind at that.... why waste that time?  It's useless to the tide against TIME CHANGES -- there is no more time to waste in the debate....


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, May 10, 2016 at 2:01 PM
Subject: Treat your mind and your experiences and choices over those experiences as though they are y are RECORDABLE [ Because they are ]
To: Jennifer Mattock <jmattock@pillar.biz>, cinamon@rockymountaincares.org
Cc: Joy Badwound <jbadwound@gmail.com>

My STUDENT#0001 of the Awesome Kramobone Playroom has just left the building. [1:15pm]   He now resides in COLORADO SPRINGS.  His name is Key and is noteworthy all the way back onto my Facebook. 

The start of this conversation.

James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
LikeShow more reactions

He still feels pushed and rushed to meet up with his Mother at Kings Sooper.  And I told him that he was not going to RUSH out of here without a 10 minute closing window.  He was still in the RUSH mode.  I told him tha ift he has a problem with the situation between Mother and being tardy at that point, I would intervene into that discussion and introduce myself onto his family that he has been in the space a school for all of this time.  And I as a teacher [ or at least expert of inter-function ] of trying to delver certain principles of conscientiousness of thought onto her son, I would go meet her.  I also have  car, I will drive you.  So RUSH RUSH RUSH out of here does not exist.  He listen to the last portion of his time based at need not want or at want but not need closing, it is a requirement that he gives me a 10 minute closing window.  He is most respectful gentlemen and man and a soul to honor my space in the true regards it is created.

He is a WITNESS to the DISRESPECT of this space.

In the process of having FAITH in ANYTHING, this space is created under Kramobone and with Gye Name and God's Eyes sees all secrets highly present and presented in this space.

Treat all of your experiences as thought they can be RECORDED.

Treat all your experiences under this TRUE SCIENCE -- and your choices of better vs less better [ Please Pick the Best Answer ] automatically pretty much resolves itself to the school test default.

Please Pick the Best Answer --- even when ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT,

From Neuron to Whole Brain [Video] - Scientific American

Scientific American
Jun 11, 2012 - The simulations begun by Henry Markram and team on the Blue Brain Project in 2005 constitute the basis for the much more ambitious Human ...
These scenarios involve discussions of the type of robot to be constructed, ways to capture the details of a particular human mind, and the ways to upload a mind ...


That was my final less and advice onto my STUDENT#0001 on his visit here the past day and 1/2 [ of two evenings ] .

Treat as though your experiences and choices within all of your inter-personal relationships can be recorded [ because ultimately the science here tells us -- they can - 40 years from today is project is goal point active onto the noosphere of truth your brain can and may be captured into a vessel as token total representation of yourself and and be interactively spoken two with new creative consciousness from that point forward and will remember and listen and respond as though we are sitting talking here today face to face.  This is 40 years project from today.

NO -- this is not FUCKED UP HUMAN shit I am puitting into your mind.

Anyone not listening to this TRUTH is FUCKED UP HUMAN to this space of deliverance of truth, love and peace onto our universe here today.  I am stick and tired of the disrespect after disrespect when I have, must give each and every caller onto my space an opportunity to learn these truths.  They are self-evident by this point -- who is speaking truth and who is speaking non-sense.  Thus in a conflict, who carry forward integrity and honor and who carry forward hidden agendas of discretion, dishonesty, and dishonor in everything that happens here.


AGAIN --- this is FROM JULY that my direct influential link to building manager Darrelll Johnson DELETED onto FACEBOOK.  Therefore, he out of this mix of the morality bestowed downward.  This my dear is a CONFLICT ON INTERESTS either intentionally placed on this space against me -- or a matter of work based bullshit that must be addressed for correction.


Darrell, I wrote an email today which has you CC: the address. It is not personal, but after these couple of months, I wanted to confirm your expressing that I was a good tenant yesterday in view of my history. This has been true for both my HOPWA housing. For most over a year in each case. Both somehow, they turn on me. It they turn on me, not the other way around. I have had Words To Live By within my learning youth of my character building. I think I have shown my character to the ultimately attempt here at Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments so that it can never be said of me, that I am the trouble maker or tenant in the situation. I think for a gentleman's approach, you said it best when we had our walk-thru. But I wanted to re-enforce my position, and I am absolutely prepared to go FULL BALLS [ as they phrase goes ] OUT. If I get involved in another community against James Driskill conflict, everyone [ I mean everyone ] will be listed to @fuckeduphuman.net -- by individual name, organization, website, and the story will be a PLAIN UNVARNISHED TAIL. I am told this is ok to do, from words written 1800 and I am told this is ok to do, from words written from Mr. Marlon Riggs, and I am told this is ok that these words remain posted at @Colorado.Edu , and I am told this is ok, by all of those lessons of teachings I have been taught what is right and wrong in any manner, and I am told this is ok but the forces of all GOOD GODS ALL MIGHTY. If you do not believe a position I hold and disagree with me, let's work that out. But by attacking me at the very core of our holding housing here, you are killing me to silence me. It is not right to do this to another human being. I know it sounds extreme, but this is exactly what they have done to me. Until I see that you have not the command of higher authorities powers on top of us both here to control you to a position that you create such a disturbance of actions against me, such as has been the case, for your being manipulated into doing something wrong over what is absolutely morally right. When or if you find yourself in this dilemma, come to me and UNITE with me and let's shed some light onto those higher powers to shift them @Gruwup and @realuphuman together. That is what is ultimately the answer. I don't care whom it is, in what situation it is, or where on earth it is, this can be done to the benefit of all parties involved without war attack and loss. I am here telling you this as one final stand of my intelligence over these matters --- so I can move into living a life here without burden of worry or concern about how something is going to be viewed and backlashes burned back at me. For it is not my burning of these things, for the lighting of such destructive forces on any level for any reason of war is unacceptable. The burning of explosives in a bullet shell to expel a projectile at high speed into a force to eliminate someone or something is unacceptable. The burning of ties to relationships is unacceptable. . All burning is unacceptable. For the tools I use are TODAY REALITY. [ @RealupHuman : @gruwup : @FuckedUpHuman ] --- This is the "Information Theory" model I am using. This is the only reality I know must be enabled and empowered for all to utilize in their lives. Until that time, I am the holder of these keys and take great care and concern over it's use and responsibility. For some, they don't think before they strike out. Again, I have had a manner of community harassment at the front door step of this apartment building. I have had my cell phone stolen from my apartment here recently last month. Again, I feel I am under attack from powers that are absolutely confused by my intents and motivations future forward. I intend no harm to one who does not harm me, and even then, I intend no harm on them. Just an understanding. But I have been greatly harmed. If I am harmed, in a very serious way, this community harmed me to silence. This I say is the fact. For I am a gentle soul with a gentle mind with a gentle heart and one quite true MOST UNIQUE CYBER IDENTITY TO EVER EXIST ON OUR PLANET. In such, I will make some angry or upset with me or even take it to the next level and harass me. I will need a commitment of where I should go, should I need to take action beyond just simple mischievousness as I told you happened the other night. If it gets more serious, I will let you know. Thank you.

Words To Live By Is there any body monitoring this face book page? Please COMMENT with Words To Live By in mind. Thank you.


My car STOLEN SERIOUS and now Mawuna Haris subjecting himself to DISRESPECTFUL UNTRUE CLAIMS that he has CLOTHES here ---- which he does not.


 Bull FUCKED UP HUMAN shit .

I need to have this creation here -- [ placed into reference ] I TOLD YOU SO and NO BODY IS LISTENING OR VIEWING ME SERIOUS!

If I am killed or offed of the world of creation -- this is the FINAL DECREE of MERRIT of my writing to you -- you are ignoring yourself of the truth and justice of all calamamidy here -- so as to become a basis of tenancy collapse and eviction instead of tenancy reevaluation -- [ maybe ] and move me somewhere more appropriate than to EJECT ME OUT OF THIS SPACE.

That is TRUE -- the morally of this was the EXACT SAME MORALITY in eviction case


My standing on TRUTH and merit a back burn against me -- which is UNACCEPTABLE for you not to take the TRUTH HERE -- and move into the TRUTH and use the TRUTH as a SUPPORTIVE CARE of CONCERN for your tenant.  Darrell Johnson out of the loop -- there is a conflict of interest and a time when in fact this conflict will result in head-to-head emotional imbalance.  Don't say I did not say this as well.

Thank you.   Intervene now for the morality of your presence onto this space in proxy -- IT WILL BE RECORDABLE in 40 YEARS and your choices you make then -- would not be the CHOICES that you have so far made against me [ COLLECTIVELY 10 YEARS BACK PASSING EVICTION WG06266106 and the FILE DATE of April 20th 2006 [ last month 10 years ago ] and this month the ISSUANCE of OH KIND SIR on May 20th 2006, this observance date is coming up -- are you going to TALK TRUTH ??



I need a METHODOLOGY and REMEDY and A PLACE OF REFERRAL for each and every one of these cases -- for I am at my nths degree witts end to try to explain yourself of silence into this cause when it is actually placed RECORDED now onto our duty.

Where and how should I proceed?


James Driskill inthemindway@gmail.com

6:41 PM (9 hours ago)
to lonnellcallum, Awesome-KramoB.

   "I see a pattern here" is a disrespect upon the need to treat my words
   and [ in case need be ] arguments and valid considerations of my
   true intetion here -- is not to bring upon distuubed minds out of
    the mix of controled ppeace --- your OBJECTIVENESS is noted
    that you are not following own your symbolic idea you picked,.

ANOTHER OUTRAGIOUS disrespect to treat what is here valid to the knowing of next period time in your life outside of this space is also where these lessons work their magic musk -- [ silence is not the option here ]



When will it be that you ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR DISRESPECT RINGS TRUE -- and not the other way around the by me bringing this to your attention -- I am over sensitive to the issues.

I see the TRUE PATTERN HERE -- the  MEME you partake in -- the STATUS QUO is the PREDICTABLE "CANNED" RESPONSE OF ARGUMENT -- there is no more atguement -- go away once you get here to collect your property.

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 6:18 PM, James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:
You  are here by your RESPECTFUL INTENTION TO CREATE A HALLUCINATION OF SOME FACTION  ---- Your jacket was hidden purposefully covered over [  JACKETS GO WHERE THEY GO ON THE COAT RACK --- As far as respectful location - -otherwse it is not my option to go seach search and HIDDEN jacket not open to the vision thing

YOU LEFT YOUR JACKET --- DISRESPECTFUL OUT OF PLACE HERE -- for if and /or when I had a visiting guest not so best of their control of morals, they could have and would have perhaps STOLE  IT at the time they left hte space -- yOU ARE WRONG  -- this is how the properly was acccuatory my responsbility to hold in your care when you never told me where and what hold.

NOW ---- you ask for your Ipod to be placed out to the closet.  Never did that request be made -- so never is that request a part of my mindfulness over this space -- -I actually answered it confused in the state -- your planned motives to create two both intentional confusions in a row of your property as you leave --- and then NEVER HOLD THE SPACE HONORABLY to the presence of time --- all of this time -- I am not responsible to hold propriety here when I don'[t know where it is -=- what it is --- or who is is --- later long after you depart and decide your at now time to come back.

YOU LEFT -- An intention of 45 minutes and NEVER CONTACTED the space for many hours apart form that 45 minute window --- We were inf act WORRIED about you --- and in fact I asked you to -- it would have been at the time you KNEW YOUR INTENTIONS WERE TO NOT COME BACK TO RELY THAT FACT TO THE SPACE -- YOUR DISRESPECT AGAIN ON THIS SPACE ---

Whether you want to SHOWER ME WITH GIFTS ---- those gifts are not allowed in lieu of the lessons offered here and the confusion and chaos YOU CREATED not I.

I just in fact DETAIL IT ALL THE WAY OUT TO DETAIL THE RECORD -- as you asked me to -- for which YOU TOO ARE INCLUDED to that record --- that pattern of being INCLUDED beyond your knowing I am including you in the CHAOS OF ORDER OF PRESENCE here --- NOT QUALITY -- Don't bother ARGUING IT OUT -- I have already detailed it -- you just listen to it --

GO AWAY after you leave -- you leave here respectfully CHALLENGED of your CONTROL of MIND AND THUS your HIGH and your ABILITY to SUBJECT ME TO A INJECTED HIGH.  Good day.  This is a quality of trust building exercise -- you fail

ARGUE ALL TIME YOU WANT --- GOOD DAY AND GOOD BYE --- TAKE WHAT YOU CAME WITH TO A BALANCE OF NO OWE OVER LOAD TO MY FAVOR --- WHATEVER YOU WANT AMEND THE CHAOS AND YOUR ERROR OF JUDGEMENT IS YOUR FAITH that you are here by 7 and late by 7:15 and if you do not tell me your arrival by 7:15 will be late -- you will be ignored at the door. No compromises to your stated intentions.  I don't trust you -- if  I had KEY [ in cc: ] \ here -- I would show you -- he agrees.  two here with the same conclusion because he TREATS the LESSON LEARNING HERE HONORABLY and the commitment to bring peace keeping and building powers forward valid for thought and then action to it's reasoning.

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 5:48 PM, James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

5/10/16 4:26 PM 49 minutes ago
Me: I'm only going to say this once to this text because it will become a part of the record. The call that we just had that you called was recorded. As a matter of recording that call you establish that you left your jacket. I do not see your Jacket out. My jacket is the top of the of the pile on the coat hook rack and I don't see your jacket. So I have not even left my units here by my unit here. I'm not left my unit here so you are going to have to come over here right this moment in time to correct this establish request at this time. I am at this point willing to secure the cost of a taxi ride to pick you up where you are and bring you here this instant. I do belive I have enough cash at my hand to do this. and if you do not correct the remedy right this moment you are not telling me the truth. for the following I do I remember something about the iPad and other closet but I'm confused I also do not have an iPad in the closet now. If for whatever reason that was request was made was a while back -- is lost in my confusion State at this point of where we put it together confirmed . If it was if you can see if you say it was last night exactly last night over the course of this visit, you would be lying. I would suggest that you petgorm an ipad location finder on the device. Now in the course of events when Key was here I secured the trust bond between Key and myself to actually have a God Witnessed Oath of Honor in place between us that is unbreakable to this point. I know he did not take your jacket I know. Already in pretext we discussed between Key and I was your truth and motiives and loyaaltes -- from time moment you did nog return respectfully keeping only an hour time window before the respectful lost of connection occues by oblivion not timely stating your new intentions ; rule forwith on the wall. you actually worried as greatly which is somewhat noted when you did not reply to my text. we were worried considering the event 2:55 PM
Me: Now for every causation of accusational Point reference I said in joint company between the three of us it is your duty to come forward with the truth and to tell the truth to this discussion but your rejection and retraction of connection to the space and not coming forwarded to that truth you are showing yourself as dishonest and hidden agenda. that was a part of our discussion Triad. TRUTH 2:59 PM
Me: Alter with the fact that we pinpointed the time reference to which your Oblivion occurred it would be one hour after the expiration of your glimpse tracking on you at the bookstore FACT: that record is in on the web to call into question in court just think I will call THAT informational record into court to them further discussion of witnesses Key that in fact that this was a high puposed discussion point made In real time dissecting and analyzing all of the Oblivion so far that has occurred dissecting and analyzing all of the Oblivion so far that has occurred by your not returning here respectfulky. This is in fact part of this space work and Key is so claimed to be my student#1. you f***** up J in the Deliverance of this conspiracy. If it had been anybody else I would not have the tracking to commit to the record into court for defense of my actions. therefore I would not be able to have this matter of position opposed to this discussion you can claim your innocence apart from all of the other actors of conspiracy . I don't believe you. The number to this conclusion at that point is 1000 fold onto this circumstances. the only way to remedy this is for you to get your ass over here immediately Rectify this now to comply to this for accepting or rejection of your truth and your acceptance of mine. Furthermore. you could have the remaining of what you gave me of methamphetamine back to you, the purchase for which you demanded and requested over and over several times... i acting as a caretaker of a delivery to the person in lieu of direct assignment of sales your request was in transference and I do not like this deception of conspiracy and it get all cut to the choices made here that what is posted here holds the fact if you are against this spaces goals and posted guidelines in and hidden agenda that entire equation Cascades to invalid pretext because it is broken by your refusal to accept this condition as a matter.. 3:21 PM
Me: Continued ongoing hidden agenda what was your request and responsibility to leave by this following quote. Do not argue one more cycle of waste time stated intentions. It may be silent to you; ll but it is not a peaceful way of being with others Even if you were not requested to leave directly, you should have left by your own merits because you do not belong here on your own merits and you made the choice to not belong here on your own merit dishonorably ( and in my safe here this day in conspiracy) and disrespectfully and a hidden agenda therefore you do not return here until you can be honest and free-flowing with no hidden agendas. I returned one exception to this rule this demand you come over here immediately today and claim your property immediately. You are so far and what is called reprimand for this cause of action I know is true. You are among the conspirators horse and at this point I don't care to reprimand you quickly but help you not go forward to the address of what I said search search for all of these people and bring them here for a discussion and we can make this happen please fully upon the universe about things there is there is absolutely no question the time changes and the facts are the facts of my next cause of an email. END OF THIS FUCKED UP HUMAN STATUS QUO WAY. 3:31 PM
Me: Call recording, the way here is to understand the dimension in which you are ultimately forced into this decision of Truth before all else in 5 to 10 years and there is no other way that is what this is about 3:38 PM
Me: I was in the the middle of final edit check.spell of email. It has been sent. Please rea d in full before you call back has highly important considerations for us to continue our conversation. Do not if you do not read it it will derail any understanding of what is here as my writing 4:15 PM
Me: Accept the fact that I have sent it and I have not received my own self copy of it apply to awesomekramiboneplayroom so accept the fact we have mail delay here and be patient if you need me to be on that you need to get your ass over here now now now now now and rectify the situation 4:24 PM
Jay : bbrt [ Blkboy44 ]: I, have not recieved any email 4:25 PM
Jay : bbrt [ Blkboy44 ]: Wow! Ok.. Umm.. Again, I will be there 4:26 PM
Me: MMS Received 4:27 PM
Me: MMS Received 4:28 PM
Me: I'm not leaving my apartment as a matter of record to be captured on building secuiry cameras that I did not leave my apartment .. An absolute truth neither to my car or outside until you arrive and convince me your truth of what you say. 4:31 PM
Me: I would have to have some kind of conspiracy to pass to some objects to through the hallway to somebody here either in the building or come visiting i. For that is the way my car was stolen. You think I'm going to employ method. Or are you just mistaken about your jacket and your iPod at this position.. Don't bother coming if you will not defend that they're your jacket is here when you come out to the public and it's not it's not here. If you do not not find here here I have not released your stated intention that it is comma and you don't find it here you are fuckeduphuman marked. I don't care what you consider an out meritable situation this is outrageous situation as a whole and requires outrageous solutions in the Deliverance of trust and love and peace - bulshit walks truth talks and honor with no hidden agenda commits them to be meritable visitors forever 4:37 PM
Me: I still don't have my self sent email record l so don't bother trying to make an argument or anything if you can't bother reading the email. It will be read when you get here if it is still stuck on the network. Orr I'll have it read to you by the time you get here by spoken voice text so take my hand at t that point position no excuses and don't bother trying to circumvent that directive point it won't work 4:41 PM
Me: Part 1 of 5 4:52 PM
Me: Part 2 of 5 4:53 PM
Me: Part 2 of 5 4:53 PM
Me: Part 3 of 5 4:53 PM
Me: Part 1 of 5 4:53 PM

[ Even though this is mislabeled -- this is the entire equation of arguement ] --- You have no jacket here nor do you have an ipod.

I refute your truth about an Ipod -- and if so --- GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT THIS MOMENT IN TIME TO COLLECT IT WHERE YOU AND I PUT IT -- if that was during your stay here this visit --- Key did not take it.

FAILURE TO COME OVER HERE URGENTLY AND IMMEDIATELY --- I will pay for your taxi -- as it is said here. shows me you are telling me no truth of a jacket and no truth of an ipod.


He can find the Ipod of yourself himself on his own network ---






What is the SERIAL NUMBER of your IPOD device -- I will also push truth through this channel of truth FOREVER MORE VALIDATED or never so write out non-truith. 

IT IS NOT TRUE -- That I can find a JACKET or an IPOD as you say -- I don[t know what model you are speaking of .  If this request to place it back was in fact during this past visit --- IT NEVER HAPPENED -- and if it was something other than this VISIT -- the recording is making reference to a CONFUSION at the point I made it -- I am still conflused upon that you made that request this past visir or if it was ealier visit.  IF it was an earlier visit, it has succumb to the choas that is here.


       Answer progressively offered to MARK ZUCKERBERG for confirmation
       reply... or at least secondary monitoring of truth item here used as a
      weight here against me morally that I would hold on other's proptery
      against their will of return and therefore against the law.

I have SUBJUGATE every single clause to action in this detail to fight
accusation of inacuate  story line subtracting against the space and
mission work of

   Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom

because it is ACTUALLY what it is ENTAILED to be TITLED TO.

There is nothing more important to me to ESTABLISH my agenda is
IN TACT -- and anything other than minor allowances of fucked up
human bullshit --- minor --- will pass to the unrecorded and undocumented
history of this space.


Realse yourself by coming here -- finding your property now where you left it here --- or never ever COME BACK -- to CLAIM IT -- FOR IT IS NOT HERE.

You left here --- with a device that was active on the web in Glymse.

I will pull that out of the history of webpages viewed here.

Inline image 1

Inline image 2


Inline image 3

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 4:13 PM, James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:
As A matter of record, we had this discussion -- that if I place a position of discussion point in an accusatory fashion against you, tt is a methodology to attack a position point of unknown cause and effect from all points of consideration reference. 

It might just be an HYPOTHETICAL point of agreement at the point of issuance into the discussion, but it is there to react a position of honesty to clarify each and every point of truth --- in a fact finding mission --- as is the true goal for all of us in this space --- beyond hidden agendas --  

HAVING HIDDEN AGENDAS here against the posted guidelines on the wall, and also replicated in the pretense of spoken text voice lessons that come into frame reference either at my hand or in so it is true, RANDOMIZED playlist -- they are a part of the PRESENTATION MATERIALS HERE --- and cannot be REFUTED.  In court, this is considered an absolute foundation and when you realize the stipulation that would occur.... it is first most evidence of item pulled into the discussion for the JURY to consider.

So after that point forward -- the July world hear testimony to the motives and actions and statements and activities in this space --- under this space foundation -- would conclude what?

You can have back the EXTRA SHOWERING OF GIFTS taunted to me of Methamphetamine - you purchased.

 For that is the not required or the foundation of principle experiences made here --- I want you to take your GIFT and SHOVE it LITERALLY up your ass till you OVERDOSE if you think I am not willing to commit the truth into writing anywhere it is said to be activity considered into this condition of MORAL TRUTH existence.

Good Day Sir.  Your gift sir was given in lieu that you think I am among you in "addictive thought processes which I am not


[SND] Pychology Today Norm..> 29-Apr-2016 01:52  1.1M 

.  I actually have everyone in consideration to what should be act to act day to day proper straight thinking structure over and beyond what is at this point in time in global noosphere put persuasive [ not dissuasive ] in content media -- a matter to resolve to the allowance forward and discontinuance of criminal use intent. This would in fact benefit us all in world resolves to peace over conflict more appropriately constructed by right vs. wrong mind bending thinking.,

Good day people -- DO NOT COME HERE WITH A HIDDEN AGENDA AGAIN - COME HERE OPEN YOUR MIND AND HEART TO THE REALITIES OF THE WORLD IN SCIENCE and EFFECTIVELY GROW INTO [ gruwp ] into that SCIENCE instead of being fearful, bothered, or bewildered by that technology advancement and in essence by one of causation of crazy in the following statement: In so committing these words into the universe, these are the words of my point of view truth and said point of view stated intentions to which I hold direct honor to the guidelines I am trying to emphasis here and they do not create a CONFLICT of MINDSET design work. 

Watch, I will if you force it -- go to court with no document at hand and fully with a break of relaxed meditation thinking with the knowledge that is actually embedded in my mind -- rehearse for the jury without any any document what so ever this conclusion --- and they will see the errors in keeping the status quo principles as it regards itself as LAW effectively applied ---- they will in their own right have  dimelimia of argument placed at their hand -- they will concede my argument -- I would more than likely guarantee.  But I can in fact do this , if necessary.  If you force my hand, I am no less a man of a message worth sufferance than what great minds of truism of thought that was dismissed and oppressed such as:

Copernicus, Galileo, and the Church: Science in a Religious World ...

by NP Leveillee - ‎2011 - ‎Cited by 1 - ‎Related articles
Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned. Copernicus faced no persecution when he was alive ...
Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo challenge Church ideas about earth's place in the heavens. ... He was treated with deference and not jailed. Galileo appeared .

In truth, I am so far been SPARED these injustices of SUFFERANCE but do you think I am not willing to commit that I may in fact have to go that course, to get this truth to existence into the cosmic train of record --- I will if you force my hand and mind at that.... why waste that time?  It's useless to the tide against TIME CHANGES -- there is no more time to waste in the debate....


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, May 10, 2016 at 2:01 PM
Subject: Treat your mind and your experiences and choices over those experiences as though they are y are RECORDABLE [ Because they are ]
To: Jennifer Mattock <jmattock@pillar.biz>, cinamon@rockymountaincares.org
Cc: Joy Badwound <jbadwound@gmail.com>

My STUDENT#0001 of the Awesome Kramobone Playroom has just left the building. [1:15pm]   He now resides in COLORADO SPRINGS.  His name is Key and is noteworthy all the way back onto my Facebook. 

The start of this conversation.

James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
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He still feels pushed and rushed to meet up with his Mother at Kings Sooper.  And I told him that he was not going to RUSH out of here without a 10 minute closing window.  He was still in the RUSH mode.  I told him tha ift he has a problem with the situation between Mother and being tardy at that point, I would intervene into that discussion and introduce myself onto his family that he has been in the space a school for all of this time.  And I as a teacher [ or at least expert of inter-function ] of trying to delver certain principles of conscientiousness of thought onto her son, I would go meet her.  I also have  car, I will drive you.  So RUSH RUSH RUSH out of here does not exist.  He listen to the last portion of his time based at need not want or at want but not need closing, it is a requirement that he gives me a 10 minute closing window.  He is most respectful gentlemen and man and a soul to honor my space in the true regards it is created.

He is a WITNESS to the DISRESPECT of this space.

In the process of having FAITH in ANYTHING, this space is created under Kramobone and with Gye Name and God's Eyes sees all secrets highly present and presented in this space.

Treat all of your experiences as thought they can be RECORDED.

Treat all your experiences under this TRUE SCIENCE -- and your choices of better vs less better [ Please Pick the Best Answer ] automatically pretty much resolves itself to the school test default.

Please Pick the Best Answer --- even when ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT,

From Neuron to Whole Brain [Video] - Scientific American

Scientific American
Jun 11, 2012 - The simulations begun by Henry Markram and team on the Blue Brain Project in 2005 constitute the basis for the much more ambitious Human ...
These scenarios involve discussions of the type of robot to be constructed, ways to capture the details of a particular human mind, and the ways to upload a mind ...


That was my final less and advice onto my STUDENT#0001 on his visit here the past day and 1/2 [ of two evenings ] .

Treat as though your experiences and choices within all of your inter-personal relationships can be recorded [ because ultimately the science here tells us -- they can - 40 years from today is project is goal point active onto the noosphere of truth your brain can and may be captured into a vessel as token total representation of yourself and and be interactively spoken two with new creative consciousness from that point forward and will remember and listen and respond as though we are sitting talking here today face to face.  This is 40 years project from today.

NO -- this is not FUCKED UP HUMAN shit I am puitting into your mind.

Anyone not listening to this TRUTH is FUCKED UP HUMAN to this space of deliverance of truth, love and peace onto our universe here today.  I am stick and tired of the disrespect after disrespect when I have, must give each and every caller onto my space an opportunity to learn these truths.  They are self-evident by this point -- who is speaking truth and who is speaking non-sense.  Thus in a conflict, who carry forward integrity and honor and who carry forward hidden agendas of discretion, dishonesty, and dishonor in everything that happens here.


AGAIN --- this is FROM JULY that my direct influential link to building manager Darrelll Johnson DELETED onto FACEBOOK.  Therefore, he out of this mix of the morality bestowed downward.  This my dear is a CONFLICT ON INTERESTS either intentionally placed on this space against me -- or a matter of work based bullshit that must be addressed for correction.


Darrell, I wrote an email today which has you CC: the address. It is not personal, but after these couple of months, I wanted to confirm your expressing that I was a good tenant yesterday in view of my history. This has been true for both my HOPWA housing. For most over a year in each case. Both somehow, they turn on me. It they turn on me, not the other way around. I have had Words To Live By within my learning youth of my character building. I think I have shown my character to the ultimately attempt here at Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments so that it can never be said of me, that I am the trouble maker or tenant in the situation. I think for a gentleman's approach, you said it best when we had our walk-thru. But I wanted to re-enforce my position, and I am absolutely prepared to go FULL BALLS [ as they phrase goes ] OUT. If I get involved in another community against James Driskill conflict, everyone [ I mean everyone ] will be listed to @fuckeduphuman.net -- by individual name, organization, website, and the story will be a PLAIN UNVARNISHED TAIL. I am told this is ok to do, from words written 1800 and I am told this is ok to do, from words written from Mr. Marlon Riggs, and I am told this is ok that these words remain posted at @Colorado.Edu , and I am told this is ok, by all of those lessons of teachings I have been taught what is right and wrong in any manner, and I am told this is ok but the forces of all GOOD GODS ALL MIGHTY. If you do not believe a position I hold and disagree with me, let's work that out. But by attacking me at the very core of our holding housing here, you are killing me to silence me. It is not right to do this to another human being. I know it sounds extreme, but this is exactly what they have done to me. Until I see that you have not the command of higher authorities powers on top of us both here to control you to a position that you create such a disturbance of actions against me, such as has been the case, for your being manipulated into doing something wrong over what is absolutely morally right. When or if you find yourself in this dilemma, come to me and UNITE with me and let's shed some light onto those higher powers to shift them @Gruwup and @realuphuman together. That is what is ultimately the answer. I don't care whom it is, in what situation it is, or where on earth it is, this can be done to the benefit of all parties involved without war attack and loss. I am here telling you this as one final stand of my intelligence over these matters --- so I can move into living a life here without burden of worry or concern about how something is going to be viewed and backlashes burned back at me. For it is not my burning of these things, for the lighting of such destructive forces on any level for any reason of war is unacceptable. The burning of explosives in a bullet shell to expel a projectile at high speed into a force to eliminate someone or something is unacceptable. The burning of ties to relationships is unacceptable. . All burning is unacceptable. For the tools I use are TODAY REALITY. [ @RealupHuman : @gruwup : @FuckedUpHuman ] --- This is the "Information Theory" model I am using. This is the only reality I know must be enabled and empowered for all to utilize in their lives. Until that time, I am the holder of these keys and take great care and concern over it's use and responsibility. For some, they don't think before they strike out. Again, I have had a manner of community harassment at the front door step of this apartment building. I have had my cell phone stolen from my apartment here recently last month. Again, I feel I am under attack from powers that are absolutely confused by my intents and motivations future forward. I intend no harm to one who does not harm me, and even then, I intend no harm on them. Just an understanding. But I have been greatly harmed. If I am harmed, in a very serious way, this community harmed me to silence. This I say is the fact. For I am a gentle soul with a gentle mind with a gentle heart and one quite true MOST UNIQUE CYBER IDENTITY TO EVER EXIST ON OUR PLANET. In such, I will make some angry or upset with me or even take it to the next level and harass me. I will need a commitment of where I should go, should I need to take action beyond just simple mischievousness as I told you happened the other night. If it gets more serious, I will let you know. Thank you.

Words To Live By Is there any body monitoring this face book page? Please COMMENT with Words To Live By in mind. Thank you.


My car STOLEN SERIOUS and now Mawuna Haris subjecting himself to DISRESPECTFUL UNTRUE CLAIMS that he has CLOTHES here ---- which he does not.


 Bull FUCKED UP HUMAN shit .

I need to have this creation here -- [ placed into reference ] I TOLD YOU SO and NO BODY IS LISTENING OR VIEWING ME SERIOUS!

If I am killed or offed of the world of creation -- this is the FINAL DECREE of MERRIT of my writing to you -- you are ignoring yourself of the truth and justice of all calamamidy here -- so as to become a basis of tenancy collapse and eviction instead of tenancy reevaluation -- [ maybe ] and move me somewhere more appropriate than to EJECT ME OUT OF THIS SPACE.

That is TRUE -- the morally of this was the EXACT SAME MORALITY in eviction case


My standing on TRUTH and merit a back burn against me -- which is UNACCEPTABLE for you not to take the TRUTH HERE -- and move into the TRUTH and use the TRUTH as a SUPPORTIVE CARE of CONCERN for your tenant.  Darrell Johnson out of the loop -- there is a conflict of interest and a time when in fact this conflict will result in head-to-head emotional imbalance.  Don't say I did not say this as well.

Thank you.   Intervene now for the morality of your presence onto this space in proxy -- IT WILL BE RECORDABLE in 40 YEARS and your choices you make then -- would not be the CHOICES that you have so far made against me [ COLLECTIVELY 10 YEARS BACK PASSING EVICTION WG06266106 and the FILE DATE of April 20th 2006 [ last month 10 years ago ] and this month the ISSUANCE of OH KIND SIR on May 20th 2006, this observance date is coming up -- are you going to TALK TRUTH ??



I need a METHODOLOGY and REMEDY and A PLACE OF REFERRAL for each and every one of these cases -- for I am at my nths degree witts end to try to explain yourself of silence into this cause when it is actually placed RECORDED now onto our duty.

Where and how should I proceed?


James Driskill inthemindway@gmail.com

3:17 AM (42 minutes ago)
to Jennifer, cinamon, Joy

One really ought to see the APPENDAGE CONVERSATION SPIKE WRITTEN TODAY at this point in this conversation directed to the persons who were in this space most recent.  Jay is the person whom the words were written to -- to the attention of certain factors still underlying his need to go for a walk last night late hours --- and under a GLYMSE tracking I requested from him...

HE NEVER SHOWS BACK UP to this space for hours and hours of time he also never contacted us back [ Key and myself ] to his SAFETY.   Ultimately this concern here I draw upon the circumstance is the Jay has shared time with Mawuna Harris in this space and if just by mere coincidence they run into each other out there -- an confrontation and situation might develop from meeting -- accidental or purposeful [ stocking applies ] interaction between them.  At this point from the time I am now writing, there is unfolded and exposed conspiracy here unfolded to the truths to all unfolded down to this last return visit of Jay to get back his jacket and and Ipod that he claims he left here.

All of these truths are noted for the record --- and what is said and the end of that --- is this is absolutely an unfortunate but true, unusual to the operation of ideal circumstances of my space, but ultimately was predictable to the writing back in July onto CKJ Facebook page.

The best is I am able to see and speak and write from all sides of the issuesv very quickly onto the circumstances at this time of focus.  Thank God.  And in so doing that OVER AND BEYOND the CALL OF some kind -- DEFINABLE AS MY MISSION -- over careless and contemptuous activity here in my apartment not desired, wanted, approved or invited here,

His hidden agenda to the cause of DISRESPECT had already been written about and EXPOSED and from the point of view of the truth to all things both CALL RECORDED and SAID to this space after he reunites to connect after going MISSING with WORRY from US.  This includes his representations in communication on hs sms phone.

Inclusively the communications to this space fully monitored, derails himself to the space of knowing that he was in fact on a HIDDEN AGENDA again by returning to this space.   I did not know what was to to be his final HIDDEN AGENDA until the discovery this evening. 

This entire SCHEME and PLAN to DISCREDIT my work and my effort onto the community is forthwith noted was his agenda.  As a part of all things to consider back to all events --- going back to the initiation visit of Mawuna Harris with Bobby and Sammie present here.... they are all involved in this conspiracy.

I have not left my apartment -- but to the knowing I said I was not going to leave until Jay returned so that the accusation of truth that his Jacket and Ipod [ phone ] was not here in my apartment.  [ At least visually present here anyway ].

I said to him I Key did not take his property and that from moment Key leaves , I am not leaving my apartment nor going to my ca and effectively that would be reflected on the truth to be able to relocate such property outside of being captured onto the security cameras.  So I never left.

His jacket was found to be a [ visually hidden ] where I call into question it was intentionally left hidden.

When he re-adjusts the focus of where his Jacket is -- in a phone call - RECORDED --- he tells me the other device is in the jacket pocket.  I just listened to the recording.  I am attaching it here.

Both CALL RECORDINGS contradict each other into the TRUTH of this.

The first time he says mentioned about a device --- he was said to be given to me
to be held in the closet.  ALSO RECORDED.  In that first call, it was in my confusion state in his delivery of untruths abound, I conceded something not true to be holding this device in the closet for him.

So the calls conflict, the confrontation said and made -- I did not make a search of his jacket for this device.  [ of course not ] .

I set his jacket over on the chair and await his arrival here now 7pm this next evening.  This is alll staged up game play conspiracy -- I tell you from this point.   But I already obviously have exposed it out to him in writing and thus confrontational CAN SPEAK ANGRY and SUBJECTIVELY DISTURBED to WHY HIS IS DECEIVING ME AS WELL. 

Remember, the recording of the man on the street in reference to LIES made in the middle of the prior day's morning and my walk out to relieve my stress.   Why can I not see this is an entire scheme focused against me.  They are and it is .

When Jay finally arrives here, he conceded the truth that the indeed had his device with him and never it was here.   Oh right. 

Now we have TRIPLE CONFLICT of this same so called TRUISM about this device.  This is not normal obviously.  But it is intentional.

Never to be released to the sound mind presence that it was still lost -- or missing -- it was never to be a important factor of concern in of him to that device on that conversion -- but it was intentionally placed as a disturbing point of seek and find and fuck up mentally unstable James and game play against --- what ?  I dunno no exactly why these people turn out to be enemies of the truth.

Calm cool and collected in he on the other end  DENYING that he told me that the device was said to be in the closet.   That in of itself -- EVIL -- but I did not even recognize how evil this is.  CALM COOL and COLLECTED this man in my space for WAY WAY WAY under-handed agendas that I was not at this point still willing to give a benefit of the doubt.  

But when he came back and then conceded the item was never here -- a search and destructive truth from his point of view distraction to the space of my mind -- it is apparent --- MANIPULATIONS about over and over I have EXPOSED something never so far as I have ever known to experience and live myself through SUCCESSFULLY documented to the evidence that I am being manipulated beyond the pale before the final curtain call and his need to CUT and RUN from his BEHAVIOR. 

I got it all --- it is ALL HERE DOCUMENTED. 


Nothing, but nothing, even knowing I am recording calls, background checks, and all stops this person from engaging this forward.  This is not coincidental to be a part of his personality disorder, of if so, he does this to everyone.  But in so being a part of conspiracy, who is paying [ whatever barter incentives are ] to engage and activate these people to these roles here in my space against my will, my rights [ mental abuse factors ], and my posted guidelines to the organization of this space.

Obviously, I hold here something most unique to the world.

There is something here abstract to the knowing --- I actually have something POWERFULLY WRITTEN to the ability to cause change in the STATUS QUO of persons who do no wish to release such against the grain and view of REAL TRUE HONESTY.  This is the enemy of this space.  They are never ever welcomed here.  How do I protect myself against these people and where shall I go when it apparent I may need help when I only have locally myself at my wits to this experience for my student#0001 [ Key ] has relocated out of the area and my significant BF in fact lives out of the area.

Do I have your SUPPORT OF UNDERSTANDING OR NOT to ANSWER the WORDS WRITTEN ON TO AND BEYOND -- to Darrel Johnson -- July 2015?

I told you so , and you must comply and answer here Jennifer.  You cannot put me into a quandary by filing against me -- for eviction for violations of things when it would be at highly improbable that if it was not for conspiracy and continued forced direction persecution factors of me here in this view from what ever source that is, there would be no offering of an imbalance onto the residences here at all

I am a 1000 times more prepared for this exact same thing happened
to me in Oakland -- and I am writing 1000 times coherently present
and that is my focus and my mission until this ceases to be a pressure
on my mission work.

Care to have that conversation now that you wrote out to me ?

This entire conversation thread

CC: MAGIC JOHNSON, METTA WORLD PEACE, MARK ZUCKERBERG and I will attempt to reconvene with THE VIEW on twitter these circumstances--------.

This is OUTRAGEOUS BEHAVIOR to TOLERATE -- NOT MINE -- BUT THEIRS against your tenant. 

Where is the source of this?




Honorable Members of Congress,

Climate change, immigration and more: Pope Francis gets political in Washington

Play Video2:52
From his private meeting with President Obama to giving the first-ever papal address before a joint session of Congress, Pope Francis did not shy away from politics during his three-day stop in Washington, D.C. (Julie Percha/The Washington Post)


All of us are quite aware of, and deeply worried by, the disturbing social and political situation of the world today. Our world is increasingly a place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal atrocities, committed even in the name of God and of religion. We know that no religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism. This means that we must be especially attentive to every type of fundamentalism, whether religious or of any other kind. A delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms. But there is another temptation which we must especially guard against: the simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil; or, if you will, the righteous and sinners. The contemporary world, with its open wounds which affect so many of our brothers and sisters, demands that we confront every form of polarization which would divide it into these two camps. We know that in the attempt to be freed of the enemy without, we can be tempted to feed the enemy within. To imitate the hatred and violence of tyrants and murderers is the best way to take their place. That is something which you, as a people, reject.

Our response must instead be one of hope and healing, of peace and justice. We are asked to summon the courage and the intelligence to resolve today’s many geopolitical and economic crises. Even in the developed world, the effects of unjust structures and actions are all too apparent. Our efforts must aim at restoring hope, righting wrongs, maintaining commitments, and thus promoting the well-being of individuals and of peoples. We must move forward together, as one, in a renewed spirit of fraternity and solidarity, cooperating generously for the common good.

The challenges facing us today call for a renewal of that spirit of cooperation, which has accomplished so much good throughout the history of the United States. The complexity, the gravity and the urgency of these challenges demand that we pool our resources and talents, and resolve to support one another, with respect for our differences and our convictions of conscience.


At this point -- this is the truth -- and will leave the CALL RECORDING of this conflict about a jacket and ipod device to the KNOWING IT IS HERE FOR REVIEW -- I am not attaching it forward here.  I speak and write only the truth.

The quotation of POPE Francis tells us both what we should do. I am in so doing these things, and I am getting no supportive concern or interface above me.  This against him and the decency of all things of moral clause of human integrity.

I say I am here -- you can come -- you can see -- I am real.  Alough my faith of continuing this mission work under this same foundation has been shifted, I am not sure exactly what modification I will be placed into need.

I am fortunate to not be on the side of mental abuse stressed to beyond my controls.

 I am HERE. 

You  have to deal with me.;


On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 2:01 PM, James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

My STUDENT#0001 of the Awesome Kramobone Playroom has just left the building. [1:15pm]   He now resides in COLORADO SPRINGS.  His name is Key and is noteworthy all the way back onto my Facebook. 

The start of this conversation.

James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
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He still feels pushed and rushed to meet up with his Mother at Kings Sooper.  And I told him that he was not going to RUSH out of here without a 10 minute closing window.  He was still in the RUSH mode.  I told him tha ift he has a problem with the situation between Mother and being tardy at that point, I would intervene into that discussion and introduce myself onto his family that he has been in the space a school for all of this time.  And I as a teacher [ or at least expert of inter-function ] of trying to delver certain principles of conscientiousness of thought onto her son, I would go meet her.  I also have  car, I will drive you.  So RUSH RUSH RUSH out of here does not exist.  He listen to the last portion of his time based at need not want or at want but not need closing, it is a requirement that he gives me a 10 minute closing window.  He is most respectful gentlemen and man and a soul to honor my space in the true regards it is created.

He is a WITNESS to the DISRESPECT of this space.

In the process of having FAITH in ANYTHING, this space is created under Kramobone and with Gye Name and God's Eyes sees all secrets highly present and presented in this space.

Treat all of your experiences as thought they can be RECORDED.

Treat all your experiences under this TRUE SCIENCE -- and your choices of better vs less better [ Please Pick the Best Answer ] automatically pretty much resolves itself to the school test default.

Please Pick the Best Answer --- even when ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT,

From Neuron to Whole Brain [Video] - Scientific American

Scientific American
Jun 11, 2012 - The simulations begun by Henry Markram and team on the Blue Brain Project in 2005 constitute the basis for the much more ambitious Human ...
These scenarios involve discussions of the type of robot to be constructed, ways to capture the details of a particular human mind, and the ways to upload a mind ...


That was my final less and advice onto my STUDENT#0001 on his visit here the past day and 1/2 [ of two evenings ] .

Treat as though your experiences and choices within all of your inter-personal relationships can be recorded [ because ultimately the science here tells us -- they can - 40 years from today is project is goal point active onto the noosphere of truth your brain can and may be captured into a vessel as token total representation of yourself and and be interactively spoken two with new creative consciousness from that point forward and will remember and listen and respond as though we are sitting talking here today face to face.  This is 40 years project from today.

NO -- this is not FUCKED UP HUMAN shit I am puitting into your mind.

Anyone not listening to this TRUTH is FUCKED UP HUMAN to this space of deliverance of truth, love and peace onto our universe here today.  I am stick and tired of the disrespect after disrespect when I have, must give each and every caller onto my space an opportunity to learn these truths.  They are self-evident by this point -- who is speaking truth and who is speaking non-sense.  Thus in a conflict, who carry forward integrity and honor and who carry forward hidden agendas of discretion, dishonesty, and dishonor in everything that happens here.


AGAIN --- this is FROM JULY that my direct influential link to building manager Darrelll Johnson DELETED onto FACEBOOK.  Therefore, he out of this mix of the morality bestowed downward.  This my dear is a CONFLICT ON INTERESTS either intentionally placed on this space against me -- or a matter of work based bullshit that must be addressed for correction.


Darrell, I wrote an email today which has you CC: the address. It is not personal, but after these couple of months, I wanted to confirm your expressing that I was a good tenant yesterday in view of my history. This has been true for both my HOPWA housing. For most over a year in each case. Both somehow, they turn on me. It they turn on me, not the other way around. I have had Words To Live By within my learning youth of my character building. I think I have shown my character to the ultimately attempt here at Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments so that it can never be said of me, that I am the trouble maker or tenant in the situation. I think for a gentleman's approach, you said it best when we had our walk-thru. But I wanted to re-enforce my position, and I am absolutely prepared to go FULL BALLS [ as they phrase goes ] OUT. If I get involved in another community against James Driskill conflict, everyone [ I mean everyone ] will be listed to @fuckeduphuman.net -- by individual name, organization, website, and the story will be a PLAIN UNVARNISHED TAIL. I am told this is ok to do, from words written 1800 and I am told this is ok to do, from words written from Mr. Marlon Riggs, and I am told this is ok that these words remain posted at @Colorado.Edu , and I am told this is ok, by all of those lessons of teachings I have been taught what is right and wrong in any manner, and I am told this is ok but the forces of all GOOD GODS ALL MIGHTY. If you do not believe a position I hold and disagree with me, let's work that out. But by attacking me at the very core of our holding housing here, you are killing me to silence me. It is not right to do this to another human being. I know it sounds extreme, but this is exactly what they have done to me. Until I see that you have not the command of higher authorities powers on top of us both here to control you to a position that you create such a disturbance of actions against me, such as has been the case, for your being manipulated into doing something wrong over what is absolutely morally right. When or if you find yourself in this dilemma, come to me and UNITE with me and let's shed some light onto those higher powers to shift them @Gruwup and @realuphuman together. That is what is ultimately the answer. I don't care whom it is, in what situation it is, or where on earth it is, this can be done to the benefit of all parties involved without war attack and loss. I am here telling you this as one final stand of my intelligence over these matters --- so I can move into living a life here without burden of worry or concern about how something is going to be viewed and backlashes burned back at me. For it is not my burning of these things, for the lighting of such destructive forces on any level for any reason of war is unacceptable. The burning of explosives in a bullet shell to expel a projectile at high speed into a force to eliminate someone or something is unacceptable. The burning of ties to relationships is unacceptable. . All burning is unacceptable. For the tools I use are TODAY REALITY. [ @RealupHuman : @gruwup : @FuckedUpHuman ] --- This is the "Information Theory" model I am using. This is the only reality I know must be enabled and empowered for all to utilize in their lives. Until that time, I am the holder of these keys and take great care and concern over it's use and responsibility. For some, they don't think before they strike out. Again, I have had a manner of community harassment at the front door step of this apartment building. I have had my cell phone stolen from my apartment here recently last month. Again, I feel I am under attack from powers that are absolutely confused by my intents and motivations future forward. I intend no harm to one who does not harm me, and even then, I intend no harm on them. Just an understanding. But I have been greatly harmed. If I am harmed, in a very serious way, this community harmed me to silence. This I say is the fact. For I am a gentle soul with a gentle mind with a gentle heart and one quite true MOST UNIQUE CYBER IDENTITY TO EVER EXIST ON OUR PLANET. In such, I will make some angry or upset with me or even take it to the next level and harass me. I will need a commitment of where I should go, should I need to take action beyond just simple mischievousness as I told you happened the other night. If it gets more serious, I will let you know. Thank you.

Words To Live By Is there any body monitoring this face book page? Please COMMENT with Words To Live By in mind. Thank you.


My car STOLEN SERIOUS and now Mawuna Haris subjecting himself to DISRESPECTFUL UNTRUE CLAIMS that he has CLOTHES here ---- which he does not.


 Bull FUCKED UP HUMAN shit .

I need to have this creation here -- [ placed into reference ] I TOLD YOU SO and NO BODY IS LISTENING OR VIEWING ME SERIOUS!

If I am killed or offed of the world of creation -- this is the FINAL DECREE of MERRIT of my writing to you -- you are ignoring yourself of the truth and justice of all calamamidy here -- so as to become a basis of tenancy collapse and eviction instead of tenancy reevaluation -- [ maybe ] and move me somewhere more appropriate than to EJECT ME OUT OF THIS SPACE.

That is TRUE -- the morally of this was the EXACT SAME MORALITY in eviction case


My standing on TRUTH and merit a back burn against me -- which is UNACCEPTABLE for you not to take the TRUTH HERE -- and move into the TRUTH and use the TRUTH as a SUPPORTIVE CARE of CONCERN for your tenant.  Darrell Johnson out of the loop -- there is a conflict of interest and a time when in fact this conflict will result in head-to-head emotional imbalance.  Don't say I did not say this as well.

Thank you.   Intervene now for the morality of your presence onto this space in proxy -- IT WILL BE RECORDABLE in 40 YEARS and your choices you make then -- would not be the CHOICES that you have so far made against me [ COLLECTIVELY 10 YEARS BACK PASSING EVICTION WG06266106 and the FILE DATE of April 20th 2006 [ last month 10 years ago ] and this month the ISSUANCE of OH KIND SIR on May 20th 2006, this observance date is coming up -- are you going to TALK TRUTH ??



I need a METHODOLOGY and REMEDY and A PLACE OF REFERRAL for each and every one of these cases -- for I am at my nths degree witts end to try to explain yourself of silence into this cause when it is actually placed RECORDED now onto our duty.

Where and how should I proceed?


James Driskill inthemindway@gmail.com

3:20 AM (38 minutes ago)
to Jennifer, cinamon, Joy

This is IN DRAFT MODE ---



 -  12:26 AM
[ spoken voice to text draft ] : I am in peril of understanding why I cannot find a community supportive of helping these people.  But in so doing what I thought was good work effect.  They have resorted to unnerving hidden agendas.  It is an obvious faction I cannot fight against when what you see is purposefully placed into the universe as tools of creative malice toward this space.   Part of the problem with this video is that I am indeed in pain of an tooth -- going south.  I don't believe nothing is out of reference.  I took a time to rest after my last encounter of unbelieveable porttions of deceitb and decption.  I woke up to blood in my mouth. I Jay at the creation of him coming over here this visii, I have a problem with my mouth --- and I need to go see a denist.  I can't break apart a chain of events to take of something of my own here -- before calamity is in the mix.  I am holding these people agaist a stndards of practice -- they are set course to distroy me.  A normal person would have released me to that available self-need --- and not be present interfaced into my life -- I don't care to have them here --- I did not call them or invite them here -- I am not online at all -- visible to any true knowing I am seeking anythig.   So this person Jay knows I am actually in pain of course of tooth issues... and this recording is done at the end of the entire fucked up human chain delliverance of what I discovered after I have EXPOSED his FUCKED UP HUMAN AGENDA as WELL.  I just go through responding to James arrival to the door --- with an upload of a view on that regard.  I am wanting to leave my apartment to the undocumeting of this -- so I am work on help with whatever --- GOING TO THE STORE --- RELAX and RECOVER -- but my mouth is BLEEDING --- why would I not know where I should have broke this oon my own --- but they won't accept this -- they want to override my autonomy and my ability to define and create the rules here -- faithfully to control these people behavior.  Wow.   Do they not think I have the courage to know where the truth is needing to be exposed  --- AND WILL EXPOSE IT 100% !   wow -- continue this stupidly --- your narrow minded points [ works of creative arts here ] are noted --- they are not allowed here -- disrespectfully the rules of the place.   And the discovery here is discovery here is obviously a disrespect of the rules here.


And all the coursework of things I've tried to emphasize is there is a Harmon Junction very methodology of work out on the web to which is accredited to Isaac Jackson. My face too I know the truth and consequences of things and who I'm dealing with and the population in which I'm dealing with this is Discovery today on my way out the door I have not even left I'm not even left casualty after casualty of casualty of trying to interpret interpret and isolate myself from the truth of the fact that I'm putting this into the realism of real real real real space every time I'm on finding these discrepancies real space the person who is involved in this this creation of putting this particular item which is not even from this space this from outside and then there is some outside of this place as it is from outside the space and put it under my door neighbor and is upset I'm upset there is no way I can be less than either of upset I don't I never shot up drugs myself to the degree I would consider it I would have to trust the person to that degree I tried to explain to my my student number 1 and that was a part of the discussion that between my student number one and discussion topics of these past few days here with my student number one to whom and what I would allow yes this was discovered at the my door on my way out this evening I cannot believe they have the gall to consider the truth of this this is stupid stupid stupid stupid at the end of this is the fact that I cannot trust anyone in this whole line and lineage of 1 after 1 after 1 to not be as actually attacking me attack attack attack attack attack attack attack me and nothing here is conclusive of any evidence and this is exactly that has been altered altered because of the universe
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On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 3:17 AM, James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

One really ought to see the APPENDAGE CONVERSATION SPIKE WRITTEN TODAY at this point in this conversation directed to the persons who were in this space most recent.  Jay is the person whom the words were written to -- to the attention of certain factors still underlying his need to go for a walk last night late hours --- and under a GLYMSE tracking I requested from him...

HE NEVER SHOWS BACK UP to this space for hours and hours of time he also never contacted us back [ Key and myself ] to his SAFETY.   Ultimately this concern here I draw upon the circumstance is the Jay has shared time with Mawuna Harris in this space and if just by mere coincidence they run into each other out there -- an confrontation and situation might develop from meeting -- accidental or purposeful [ stocking applies ] interaction between them.  At this point from the time I am now writing, there is unfolded and exposed conspiracy here unfolded to the truths to all unfolded down to this last return visit of Jay to get back his jacket and and Ipod that he claims he left here.

All of these truths are noted for the record --- and what is said and the end of that --- is this is absolutely an unfortunate but true, unusual to the operation of ideal circumstances of my space, but ultimately was predictable to the writing back in July onto CKJ Facebook page.

The best is I am able to see and speak and write from all sides of the issuesv very quickly onto the circumstances at this time of focus.  Thank God.  And in so doing that OVER AND BEYOND the CALL OF some kind -- DEFINABLE AS MY MISSION -- over careless and contemptuous activity here in my apartment not desired, wanted, approved or invited here,

His hidden agenda to the cause of DISRESPECT had already been written about and EXPOSED and from the point of view of the truth to all things both CALL RECORDED and SAID to this space after he reunites to connect after going MISSING with WORRY from US.  This includes his representations in communication on hs sms phone.

Inclusively the communications to this space fully monitored, derails himself to the space of knowing that he was in fact on a HIDDEN AGENDA again by returning to this space.   I did not know what was to to be his final HIDDEN AGENDA until the discovery this evening. 

This entire SCHEME and PLAN to DISCREDIT my work and my effort onto the community is forthwith noted was his agenda.  As a part of all things to consider back to all events --- going back to the initiation visit of Mawuna Harris with Bobby and Sammie present here.... they are all involved in this conspiracy.

I have not left my apartment -- but to the knowing I said I was not going to leave until Jay returned so that the accusation of truth that his Jacket and Ipod [ phone ] was not here in my apartment.  [ At least visually present here anyway ].

I said to him I Key did not take his property and that from moment Key leaves , I am not leaving my apartment nor going to my ca and effectively that would be reflected on the truth to be able to relocate such property outside of being captured onto the security cameras.  So I never left.

His jacket was found to be a [ visually hidden ] where I call into question it was intentionally left hidden.

When he re-adjusts the focus of where his Jacket is -- in a phone call - RECORDED --- he tells me the other device is in the jacket pocket.  I just listened to the recording.  I am attaching it here.

Both CALL RECORDINGS contradict each other into the TRUTH of this.

The first time he says mentioned about a device --- he was said to be given to me
to be held in the closet.  ALSO RECORDED.  In that first call, it was in my confusion state in his delivery of untruths abound, I conceded something not true to be holding this device in the closet for him.

So the calls conflict, the confrontation said and made -- I did not make a search of his jacket for this device.  [ of course not ] .

I set his jacket over on the chair and await his arrival here now 7pm this next evening.  This is alll staged up game play conspiracy -- I tell you from this point.   But I already obviously have exposed it out to him in writing and thus confrontational CAN SPEAK ANGRY and SUBJECTIVELY DISTURBED to WHY HIS IS DECEIVING ME AS WELL. 

Remember, the recording of the man on the street in reference to LIES made in the middle of the prior day's morning and my walk out to relieve my stress.   Why can I not see this is an entire scheme focused against me.  They are and it is .

When Jay finally arrives here, he conceded the truth that the indeed had his device with him and never it was here.   Oh right. 

Now we have TRIPLE CONFLICT of this same so called TRUISM about this device.  This is not normal obviously.  But it is intentional.

Never to be released to the sound mind presence that it was still lost -- or missing -- it was never to be a important factor of concern in of him to that device on that conversion -- but it was intentionally placed as a disturbing point of seek and find and fuck up mentally unstable James and game play against --- what ?  I dunno no exactly why these people turn out to be enemies of the truth.

Calm cool and collected in he on the other end  DENYING that he told me that the device was said to be in the closet.   That in of itself -- EVIL -- but I did not even recognize how evil this is.  CALM COOL and COLLECTED this man in my space for WAY WAY WAY under-handed agendas that I was not at this point still willing to give a benefit of the doubt.  

But when he came back and then conceded the item was never here -- a search and destructive truth from his point of view distraction to the space of my mind -- it is apparent --- MANIPULATIONS about over and over I have EXPOSED something never so far as I have ever known to experience and live myself through SUCCESSFULLY documented to the evidence that I am being manipulated beyond the pale before the final curtain call and his need to CUT and RUN from his BEHAVIOR. 

I got it all --- it is ALL HERE DOCUMENTED. 


Nothing, but nothing, even knowing I am recording calls, background checks, and all stops this person from engaging this forward.  This is not coincidental to be a part of his personality disorder, of if so, he does this to everyone.  But in so being a part of conspiracy, who is paying [ whatever barter incentives are ] to engage and activate these people to these roles here in my space against my will, my rights [ mental abuse factors ], and my posted guidelines to the organization of this space.

Obviously, I hold here something most unique to the world.

There is something here abstract to the knowing --- I actually have something POWERFULLY WRITTEN to the ability to cause change in the STATUS QUO of persons who do no wish to release such against the grain and view of REAL TRUE HONESTY.  This is the enemy of this space.  They are never ever welcomed here.  How do I protect myself against these people and where shall I go when it apparent I may need help when I only have locally myself at my wits to this experience for my student#0001 [ Key ] has relocated out of the area and my significant BF in fact lives out of the area.

Do I have your SUPPORT OF UNDERSTANDING OR NOT to ANSWER the WORDS WRITTEN ON TO AND BEYOND -- to Darrel Johnson -- July 2015?

I told you so , and you must comply and answer here Jennifer.  You cannot put me into a quandary by filing against me -- for eviction for violations of things when it would be at highly improbable that if it was not for conspiracy and continued forced direction persecution factors of me here in this view from what ever source that is, there would be no offering of an imbalance onto the residences here at all

I am a 1000 times more prepared for this exact same thing happened
to me in Oakland -- and I am writing 1000 times coherently present
and that is my focus and my mission until this ceases to be a pressure
on my mission work.

Care to have that conversation now that you wrote out to me ?

This entire conversation thread

CC: MAGIC JOHNSON, METTA WORLD PEACE, MARK ZUCKERBERG and I will attempt to reconvene with THE VIEW on twitter these circumstances--------.

This is OUTRAGEOUS BEHAVIOR to TOLERATE -- NOT MINE -- BUT THEIRS against your tenant. 

Where is the source of this?




Honorable Members of Congress,

Climate change, immigration and more: Pope Francis gets political in Washington

Play Video2:52
From his private meeting with President Obama to giving the first-ever papal address before a joint session of Congress, Pope Francis did not shy away from politics during his three-day stop in Washington, D.C. (Julie Percha/The Washington Post)


All of us are quite aware of, and deeply worried by, the disturbing social and political situation of the world today. Our world is increasingly a place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal atrocities, committed even in the name of God and of religion. We know that no religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism. This means that we must be especially attentive to every type of fundamentalism, whether religious or of any other kind. A delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms. But there is another temptation which we must especially guard against: the simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil; or, if you will, the righteous and sinners. The contemporary world, with its open wounds which affect so many of our brothers and sisters, demands that we confront every form of polarization which would divide it into these two camps. We know that in the attempt to be freed of the enemy without, we can be tempted to feed the enemy within. To imitate the hatred and violence of tyrants and murderers is the best way to take their place. That is something which you, as a people, reject.

Our response must instead be one of hope and healing, of peace and justice. We are asked to summon the courage and the intelligence to resolve today’s many geopolitical and economic crises. Even in the developed world, the effects of unjust structures and actions are all too apparent. Our efforts must aim at restoring hope, righting wrongs, maintaining commitments, and thus promoting the well-being of individuals and of peoples. We must move forward together, as one, in a renewed spirit of fraternity and solidarity, cooperating generously for the common good.

The challenges facing us today call for a renewal of that spirit of cooperation, which has accomplished so much good throughout the history of the United States. The complexity, the gravity and the urgency of these challenges demand that we pool our resources and talents, and resolve to support one another, with respect for our differences and our convictions of conscience.


At this point -- this is the truth -- and will leave the CALL RECORDING of this conflict about a jacket and ipod device to the KNOWING IT IS HERE FOR REVIEW -- I am not attaching it forward here.  I speak and write only the truth.

The quotation of POPE Francis tells us both what we should do. I am in so doing these things, and I am getting no supportive concern or interface above me.  This against him and the decency of all things of moral clause of human integrity.

I say I am here -- you can come -- you can see -- I am real.  Alough my faith of continuing this mission work under this same foundation has been shifted, I am not sure exactly what modification I will be placed into need.

I am fortunate to not be on the side of mental abuse stressed to beyond my controls.

 I am HERE. 

You  have to deal with me.;


On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 2:01 PM, James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

My STUDENT#0001 of the Awesome Kramobone Playroom has just left the building. [1:15pm]   He now resides in COLORADO SPRINGS.  His name is Key and is noteworthy all the way back onto my Facebook. 

The start of this conversation.

James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
James Driskill's photo.
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He still feels pushed and rushed to meet up with his Mother at Kings Sooper.  And I told him that he was not going to RUSH out of here without a 10 minute closing window.  He was still in the RUSH mode.  I told him tha ift he has a problem with the situation between Mother and being tardy at that point, I would intervene into that discussion and introduce myself onto his family that he has been in the space a school for all of this time.  And I as a teacher [ or at least expert of inter-function ] of trying to delver certain principles of conscientiousness of thought onto her son, I would go meet her.  I also have  car, I will drive you.  So RUSH RUSH RUSH out of here does not exist.  He listen to the last portion of his time based at need not want or at want but not need closing, it is a requirement that he gives me a 10 minute closing window.  He is most respectful gentlemen and man and a soul to honor my space in the true regards it is created.

He is a WITNESS to the DISRESPECT of this space.

In the process of having FAITH in ANYTHING, this space is created under Kramobone and with Gye Name and God's Eyes sees all secrets highly present and presented in this space.

Treat all of your experiences as thought they can be RECORDED.

Treat all your experiences under this TRUE SCIENCE -- and your choices of better vs less better [ Please Pick the Best Answer ] automatically pretty much resolves itself to the school test default.

Please Pick the Best Answer --- even when ALL ANSWERS ARE CORRECT,

From Neuron to Whole Brain [Video] - Scientific American

Scientific American
Jun 11, 2012 - The simulations begun by Henry Markram and team on the Blue Brain Project in 2005 constitute the basis for the much more ambitious Human ...
These scenarios involve discussions of the type of robot to be constructed, ways to capture the details of a particular human mind, and the ways to upload a mind ...


That was my final less and advice onto my STUDENT#0001 on his visit here the past day and 1/2 [ of two evenings ] .

Treat as though your experiences and choices within all of your inter-personal relationships can be recorded [ because ultimately the science here tells us -- they can - 40 years from today is project is goal point active onto the noosphere of truth your brain can and may be captured into a vessel as token total representation of yourself and and be interactively spoken two with new creative consciousness from that point forward and will remember and listen and respond as though we are sitting talking here today face to face.  This is 40 years project from today.

NO -- this is not FUCKED UP HUMAN shit I am puitting into your mind.

Anyone not listening to this TRUTH is FUCKED UP HUMAN to this space of deliverance of truth, love and peace onto our universe here today.  I am stick and tired of the disrespect after disrespect when I have, must give each and every caller onto my space an opportunity to learn these truths.  They are self-evident by this point -- who is speaking truth and who is speaking non-sense.  Thus in a conflict, who carry forward integrity and honor and who carry forward hidden agendas of discretion, dishonesty, and dishonor in everything that happens here.


AGAIN --- this is FROM JULY that my direct influential link to building manager Darrelll Johnson DELETED onto FACEBOOK.  Therefore, he out of this mix of the morality bestowed downward.  This my dear is a CONFLICT ON INTERESTS either intentionally placed on this space against me -- or a matter of work based bullshit that must be addressed for correction.


Darrell, I wrote an email today which has you CC: the address. It is not personal, but after these couple of months, I wanted to confirm your expressing that I was a good tenant yesterday in view of my history. This has been true for both my HOPWA housing. For most over a year in each case. Both somehow, they turn on me. It they turn on me, not the other way around. I have had Words To Live By within my learning youth of my character building. I think I have shown my character to the ultimately attempt here at Chesney-Kleinjohn Apartments so that it can never be said of me, that I am the trouble maker or tenant in the situation. I think for a gentleman's approach, you said it best when we had our walk-thru. But I wanted to re-enforce my position, and I am absolutely prepared to go FULL BALLS [ as they phrase goes ] OUT. If I get involved in another community against James Driskill conflict, everyone [ I mean everyone ] will be listed to @fuckeduphuman.net -- by individual name, organization, website, and the story will be a PLAIN UNVARNISHED TAIL. I am told this is ok to do, from words written 1800 and I am told this is ok to do, from words written from Mr. Marlon Riggs, and I am told this is ok that these words remain posted at @Colorado.Edu , and I am told this is ok, by all of those lessons of teachings I have been taught what is right and wrong in any manner, and I am told this is ok but the forces of all GOOD GODS ALL MIGHTY. If you do not believe a position I hold and disagree with me, let's work that out. But by attacking me at the very core of our holding housing here, you are killing me to silence me. It is not right to do this to another human being. I know it sounds extreme, but this is exactly what they have done to me. Until I see that you have not the command of higher authorities powers on top of us both here to control you to a position that you create such a disturbance of actions against me, such as has been the case, for your being manipulated into doing something wrong over what is absolutely morally right. When or if you find yourself in this dilemma, come to me and UNITE with me and let's shed some light onto those higher powers to shift them @Gruwup and @realuphuman together. That is what is ultimately the answer. I don't care whom it is, in what situation it is, or where on earth it is, this can be done to the benefit of all parties involved without war attack and loss. I am here telling you this as one final stand of my intelligence over these matters --- so I can move into living a life here without burden of worry or concern about how something is going to be viewed and backlashes burned back at me. For it is not my burning of these things, for the lighting of such destructive forces on any level for any reason of war is unacceptable. The burning of explosives in a bullet shell to expel a projectile at high speed into a force to eliminate someone or something is unacceptable. The burning of ties to relationships is unacceptable. . All burning is unacceptable. For the tools I use are TODAY REALITY. [ @RealupHuman : @gruwup : @FuckedUpHuman ] --- This is the "Information Theory" model I am using. This is the only reality I know must be enabled and empowered for all to utilize in their lives. Until that time, I am the holder of these keys and take great care and concern over it's use and responsibility. For some, they don't think before they strike out. Again, I have had a manner of community harassment at the front door step of this apartment building. I have had my cell phone stolen from my apartment here recently last month. Again, I feel I am under attack from powers that are absolutely confused by my intents and motivations future forward. I intend no harm to one who does not harm me, and even then, I intend no harm on them. Just an understanding. But I have been greatly harmed. If I am harmed, in a very serious way, this community harmed me to silence. This I say is the fact. For I am a gentle soul with a gentle mind with a gentle heart and one quite true MOST UNIQUE CYBER IDENTITY TO EVER EXIST ON OUR PLANET. In such, I will make some angry or upset with me or even take it to the next level and harass me. I will need a commitment of where I should go, should I need to take action beyond just simple mischievousness as I told you happened the other night. If it gets more serious, I will let you know. Thank you.

Words To Live By Is there any body monitoring this face book page? Please COMMENT with Words To Live By in mind. Thank you.


My car STOLEN SERIOUS and now Mawuna Haris subjecting himself to DISRESPECTFUL UNTRUE CLAIMS that he has CLOTHES here ---- which he does not.


 Bull FUCKED UP HUMAN shit .

I need to have this creation here -- [ placed into reference ] I TOLD YOU SO and NO BODY IS LISTENING OR VIEWING ME SERIOUS!

If I am killed or offed of the world of creation -- this is the FINAL DECREE of MERRIT of my writing to you -- you are ignoring yourself of the truth and justice of all calamamidy here -- so as to become a basis of tenancy collapse and eviction instead of tenancy reevaluation -- [ maybe ] and move me somewhere more appropriate than to EJECT ME OUT OF THIS SPACE.

That is TRUE -- the morally of this was the EXACT SAME MORALITY in eviction case


My standing on TRUTH and merit a back burn against me -- which is UNACCEPTABLE for you not to take the TRUTH HERE -- and move into the TRUTH and use the TRUTH as a SUPPORTIVE CARE of CONCERN for your tenant.  Darrell Johnson out of the loop -- there is a conflict of interest and a time when in fact this conflict will result in head-to-head emotional imbalance.  Don't say I did not say this as well.

Thank you.   Intervene now for the morality of your presence onto this space in proxy -- IT WILL BE RECORDABLE in 40 YEARS and your choices you make then -- would not be the CHOICES that you have so far made against me [ COLLECTIVELY 10 YEARS BACK PASSING EVICTION WG06266106 and the FILE DATE of April 20th 2006 [ last month 10 years ago ] and this month the ISSUANCE of OH KIND SIR on May 20th 2006, this observance date is coming up -- are you going to TALK TRUTH ??



I need a METHODOLOGY and REMEDY and A PLACE OF REFERRAL for each and every one of these cases -- for I am at my nths degree witts end to try to explain yourself of silence into this cause when it is actually placed RECORDED now onto our duty.

Where and how should I proceed?