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Marci Shaver Is Trump due proportional honor?
Megan Christine And the bigger person is the one that supported Obama and will support Trump because Americas success starts with us, no matter how sick this election made me.
Marci Shaver I have done that through every election since 1972, but this time I fear for friends that I love.
Megan Christine So do I. But that's why you will protect them. It won't be as easy to take their rights, the fear is how others will now treat them. There is so much hate, and our country is overflowing with divisive rhetoric. That is truly scary, but that's why we have to finally unite and help each other. I have decided to have hope because fear and general negativity won't make any progress or help anyone.
Adam Parker Did you see Republicans screaming and crying in the streets? Vandalizing things? Calling to kill Obama? Waiting......
Tammy Vyvey Klingler Everyone has a right to peacefully protest. We all fear for our family and friends. Change can be found everyday. Working at shelters helping neighbors.
Norma Miller Your fear is that you are losing your advance of socialism! You would rather see people on welfare than a healthy job market. Next step for Liberals would be dictatorship. I will take Trump any day. Put on your big girl panties and get over it. Soun...See More
Anthony TorresValle My only disagreement with this is one thing. I don't recall (correct me if I'm wrong) any riots or protests by the Republican party after President Obama's elections. So yes, there was much disapproval amongst Republicans, but not protests and riots ch...See More
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Supplanter James Driskill
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