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James Driskill shared a post to Nonprofit With Balls's Timeline.

I am placing something here -- I hope it is respected.

I think I have the "balls" --- yep indeed.
I think I have "big balls" -- good good deed,
I think I have the "biggest balls of them all" -- now that's not any
reason to sack em to hurt me and make them bleed.

yep with - now now -- keep your head on your brain and your fingers off the triggers of reaction here --- until you know what balls of balls no other hold that I do -- I will repeat in true form for you true.

I know I have the "balls" --- yep indeed,
I know I have the "big balls" good good deed,
I know I have the "biggest balls of the them all" -- now that's not
any reason to sack em to hurt me and make them bleed.

No question to the words of all the balls complete.
No one has the balls to compete,

I have one most biggest balls of the all.

But no profit margin or profit books to keep
or profit motives at any weep.

These are not the balls of profiteers nor the balls
of the opponents of the non-profiteers just now
making bumps in the road.

If they are not anything of the the balls within,
the balls that began with our kin.

These balls have no gender of male or female
to the role of man and women adorned.

They also are not the balls that should be used
by children without permission of their parents'

What in the hell kind of balls are these to the world,...
if they are not balls that you so know holding your

They are the biggest balls of the them all - unchallenged
to the day I say.

Care to know what kind of balls they are that
they reveal?

They reveal the balls to know the truth against the lies
and to lies they are the biggest balls they don't go away.

If used correctly as I have owned them best,
This is a set of big balls of informational memeitcs
to off set the rest.

They actually fix the questions of what can be done,
about the mental query to fight man not growing up
against their morals that lie cheat and steal, and then
quickly cut to run away with zeal.

Long time ago, there was a symbol that could be
passed among the crowd. That when you had
a dispute of another, it would hold its presence
binding them to you and that would be proud.

That symbol is called Mptatpo and it is still
in the world of the know.

We are now chickens to not know this way,
to do this in this in the terms of information technology.

But ah ah ah yes.

I have those keys of those balls of the past onto
this time of our best.

They are the biggest balls of the all,
I know I do. Yes yes I do.

And that it does in fact hold that same symbolic
function design of the past. They cannot run away
from their offending sides to not be caught and
roped back into a binding knot right in the middle
of the road of life.

This knot can be undone quickly, if they sought
to understand the remedy to their detention
onto the information theory.

This holds them to the truth so mighty,
they cannot run a muck anymore plenty.

To exploit the next mark time and time again,
for they are caught by a informational
vortex that demands respect of the
common works of decency perplexed.

Once the truth can be put back up right
against what was fucked up human n this mix.

That truth is what makes it happen,
the Mpatapo effect of peace building
reconciliation to the resolve of all resolves
for our follies are amended those apologies
are now real to not go sideways off the beat.

That true forgiveness given in return
actually holds weight to break the binding
that was set in.

The matter of closure secured to the mind,
and now we can go beyond to the next
time assured this set of principles were
made, no regrets to hold on to the day.

We may learn from this what hurt we
put to the other, and then perhaps in that
new way understanding, we will do no more
of these deeds against this tide of change.

That is a hope I have -- I have made with
this domain set I own, going on 10 years

That is the biggest set of balls I hold onto the
world, but they do not belong in the care of
only one.

They belong to be active for the world to see,
and how digitally active technology assisted
conflict resolution processing can be done!

I am out to my world seeking a network,
to find a way to build up this processing scheme

That is in my heart of hearts
and mind of minds to be active sometime
before I die.

But at the standing, I have my own hands work time
to these same theory design, the model in my own
life does indeed function when respected.

But even a one man holding these keys, has his
limits and I am at mine limit of incidence

They are placed and they are real.
But no one gives the space they are at
any credit of Mpatapo repeal.

Even though it would be by default,
the shocking place that is the revolt.

For I have the biggest balls of the all, and I give them
to the world for balls should ring bells and bells to balls.

The sounding of balls does not compute
but the ringing of bells gives me quite a meaning.

For and the balls to put one to that
space,is a bell to the world, that absolutely obvious
place. This is for making a mark of documentation
to those actions of no so greatest of people and their
ways actions against each other that hurt hurt
and not just go away.

This is the place where these intentions of acts
of wrongs needing fixed and it be fixable to
right bearing form.

That form is in iis opposite domain
the respects defines
the demand of the absolute in all affirming ways,

The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth shall set
you free from the binding knot that you are in.

That being said, no set of structures holds
on perfect.

We know for sure we will most avoid the baddest
place named that holds us to own our acts
of hurt with balls of steel, We will be better
next time to stay in the center.

Better it be now and forever more
that is the center that we can be.

It stands for a new model of being grown up
adult, that bring this message of moral truth
correcitiuvelness onto the work of all of us.

We know now this is the plain of existence to the
road we should take.

Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace

that is the mission of these domains complete. : : :
a memetic engineering informational theory design system
called a "morality correctioveness" model.

Here is a version of Mpatapo in used today: It is a real
concept that I am using too, but under a different binding
knot naming complex design.

This is my version:

Mpatapo Consult's Profile Photo
Mpatapo Consult
Consulting/Business Services

The name I choose that represents Mptatpo holds more universal meaning to the word we know as the F word actually transmutes into more social forms of communities and languages as a whole than any other form of word for peace and peace building known to exist.

That then this word we might find crude to use, vulgar if you think, is actually the most universal form of word that creates a binding knot of some kind and reactive function in their mind they must take and holds onto them [ that is the vulgar action to its point in reverse ] that to reconnect back and work this properly resolved to undo the knot they are in. This is true whether there is a processing system there on the domain or not. Even perplexed today, they have made actions against me and put themselves into this space they think no one is paying attention to. That is the quandary that I am in. Why why would they do this intentionally to me?

A big conspiracy is at my hand.
I have it documented and I am not sure where to turn.

This statement is more true than not.

Mpatapo : Knot of Reconciliation / Peace Building [ symbolism Adrinkra ]…/my-personality-as-viewed…

Run Ahead of Me

Monday, December 31, 2007
Mpatapo: Reconciliation and Peacemaking

This image is an Adinkra symbol (a system of symbols from Ghana in West Africa) called mpatapo. It is meant to represent the "knot of pacification/reconciliation," and as such it is the symbol for reconciliation, peacemaking and pacification.

"Mpatapo represents the bond or knot that binds the separate parties in a dispute to a peaceful, harmonious reconciliation. It is a symbol of peacemaking after strife." --from West African Wisdom: Adinkra Symbols & Meanings

I am trying to expand my efforts at teaching conflict resolution throughout the schools where I work and have chosen this symbol as the "badge" to give kids and adults who have successfully learned the principles and have pledged to embody them throughout the school.

My guiding principles are summed up pretty well in the words of a Buddhist nun, so I will let her speak for me:

We need to bring loving-kindness not only into the family but also into the schools. Before I became a nun, I was a schoolteacher, so I have especially strong feelings about this. The most important thing for children to learn is not a lot of information, but how to be kind human beings and how to resolve their conflicts with others in a constructive way. Parents and teachers put a lot of time and money into teaching children science, arithmetic, literature, geography, geology, and computers. But do we ever spend any time teaching them how to be kind? Do we have any courses in kindness? Do we teach kids how to work with their own negative emotions and how to resolve conflicts with others? I think this is much more important than the academic subjects. Why? Children may know a lot, but if they grow up to be unkind, resentful, or greedy adults, their lives will not be happy.


But as adults, these children mentioned above become set into their ways. They do not listen to common wisdoms. They continue to strike out in non-peaceful ways towards others. What will it take for them to react and come back after they have cut and run from a major or even minor offense upon another human being?

This is the answer I have sought to generate that Maptapo BOND in a way that is peaceful, even though it may refer to something extreme.

It does work! Not always, but it has resulted in at least an apology issued from them back to me for their offense. I am sure that sometimes they still are stuck on their mindset after they depart from that point of my life back into their set ways of the life real space domains. I wish this would STICK to the WORLD of PERMANENCE --- Someday. For when they encounter this in true form Mpatapo binding processes either private from the offended party back upon them them -- or public if and/or when necessary, they realize this is the reality of the world, within the science of memetics. They sink down and perhaps really see what they are doing is hurtful. They can no longer do hurtful and hateful things toward others and get away with it in cut and run into a silence to the world of all things to then recycle again the same thing upon another. Our ways of peaceful being can be established in the real time assisted by technology under these domains.

By The Way:

The domain METTA.WS is also held under my domain set of names I carry forward upon this mission. This is two years prior to the celebrity status of METTA WORLD PEACE changing his legal name. Even though these are strickily place markers of time, that I just so happen to hold, this does not make a difference that others actually listen.

Will you open your mind and heart to listen to what is memetically active here?

For the word Muck -- with the first letter as an F -- is more universally understood in more languages than the word for "Peace". This is fact.

So, that is the pivoting point of truth that I am holding on the binding. Sorry, to strike out that this is true. It may not be kind, in a fully METTA way, but it is KIND if they see what the ultimate goal of course is happiness, as the ‪#‎WordsToLiveBy‬ that are under this memespace is defined for the reader from the time these words were originally stated in our humanity in about the year 1780.

I have fully contained the idealism with widsoms we have lost. I am trying to return them back into our mindsets, no matter what age of life one is in, children to adult. These are important ideals to remember back. There is an Adrinkra symbol for that as well. Do know they all work together or don;'t bother using one just one. They are all important. Some of them are defined not so kindly, now are they? But this one is for today and for the past, it must show it's relevance here in my writing these thoughts onto your article. Thank you.

Learning From the Past
Wisdom, Using past experiences to build the future

Se wo were fin a wo sankofa a yennkyi;

It is not a taboo to return to fetch something you forgot earlier on.

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James Driskill
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